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[英]How to modify cookie time for exit popup

I'm trying to broaden the use of an exit popup (inside the platform Kajabi) but since I'm super new to coding (CSS & Javascript) I thought I'd see if someone has a solution.我正在尝试扩大退出弹出窗口的使用范围(在 Kajabi 平台内),但由于我对编码(CSS 和 Javascript)非常陌生,我想我会看看是否有人有解决方案。

So basically what I want to do is to modify the timing of the exit popup.所以基本上我想要做的是修改退出弹出的时间。 I want it to be visible on the site, every time someone visits the page for a total of 3 days (or any other timeframe).我希望它在网站上可见,每次有人访问该页面总共 3 天(或任何其他时间范围)。 Then I want the cookie to register and not show the popup for 7 days (or any other timeframe. Since I don't know if this is possible, let's just call this option 1.然后我希望 cookie 注册并且在 7 天(或任何其他时间范围内)不显示弹出窗口。由于我不知道这是否可能,所以我们将此选项称为 1。

Option 2 is basically trying to achieve the same thing, but having the reverse approach .选项 2 基本上是试图实现相同的目标,但采用相反的方法 In this setting, I don't want the popup show up for 3 days (or any other timeframe) and after that period I want it to be visible every time someone visits the page.在此设置中,我不希望弹出窗口显示3 天(或任何其他时间范围),并且在那段时间之后,我希望它在每次有人访问该页面时都可见。

Like I said, I don't even know if this is possible.就像我说的,我什至不知道这是否可能。 Maybe by using some form of expire date reset on the cookie?也许通过在cookie上使用某种形式的过期日期重置? CSS or Javascript is what I'm able to use inside of Kajabi. CSS 或 Javascript 是我能够在 Kajabi 内部使用的。

Appreciate your help and feel free to guide me in any direction if you have another better alternative.感谢您的帮助,如果您有其他更好的选择,请随时指导我。

All the best,一切顺利,

Just wanted to post an answer to this.只是想发布一个答案。 I got in touch with a developer who knows Kajabi inside out, and we were able to realize the vision I had 100%.我与一位完全了解 Kajabi 的开发人员取得了联系,我们能够 100% 地实现我的愿景。 If anyone is reading this and wants to accomplish something similar inside Kajabi, just reach out and I'll guide you through it.如果有人正在阅读本文并想在 Kajabi 中完成类似的事情,请联系我,我将指导您完成它。

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