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如何让用户将他们的自定义域连接到我在 Google App Engine 上托管的 next.js 应用程序?

[英]How to let users connect their custom domains to my next.js app hosting on Google App Engine?

I developed a next.js app where everyone can design his own profile page.我开发了一个 next.js 应用程序,每个人都可以设计自己的个人资料页面。

Today, everyone using a unique sub-domain like jake.app-name.com and ben.app-name.com.今天,每个人都使用一个独特的子域,例如 jake.app-name.com 和 ben.app-name.com。

I want to give everyone the option to connect his own domain to point to his profile page like jake.com.我想让每个人都可以选择连接他自己的域以指向他的个人资料页面,例如 jake.com。

I know how to manage it on the server after the domain is pointing to the server.我知道域指向服务器后如何在服务器上管理它。

My question is how can I connect, using code (API) many domains to my google app engine without any limitation in the future?我的问题是我如何在未来没有任何限制地使用代码(API)将许多域连接到我的谷歌应用引擎? What is required?需要什么? Google will manage all the SSL certificates automatically? Google 会自动管理所有 SSL 证书吗? I will have an additional cost?我会有额外的费用吗?

Thank you.谢谢你。

I haven't looked into this in 2021 but as of last year this was not possible.我在 2021 年还没有对此进行过调查,但截至去年,这是不可能的。 You have to manually map each unique domain to one of your subdomains.您必须将每个唯一域手动 map 到您的子域之一。

Regarding SSL certificates, note the following from Google .... If you are using subdomains, there is a limit of 20 managed certificates per week for each base domain .关于 SSL 证书,请注意Google提供的以下内容...。如果您使用子域,则每个基本域每周限制 20 个托管证书 .. ..

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