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Python 导入和单元测试

[英]Python imports and unit tests

I am trying to build a Python package/library for the first time.我正在尝试第一次构建 Python 包/库。 So far I have these files:到目前为止,我有这些文件:


File contents:文件内容:


from Annotation import Annotation # this is where the error occurs

class Accentizer:
    x = 10


class Annotation:
    Variants = []

test_1.py: test_1.py:

from src.Accentizer2.Accentizer import Accentizer

When I run test_1.py, I get the following error:当我运行 test_1.py 时,我收到以下错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "..\tests\test_1.py", line 1, in <module>
    from src.Accentizer2.Accentizer import Accentizer
  File "..\src\Accentizer2\Accentizer.py", line 1, in <module>
    from Annotation import Annotation
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Annotation'

When I run Accentizer.py, it runs ok.当我运行 Accentizer.py 时,它运行正常。

What am I missing?我错过了什么? What is the conventional way of linking tests to code under test?将测试链接到被测代码的传统方法是什么?

Changing the import statement in Accentizer.py to the line below fixes the error:Accentizer.py中的导入语句更改为以下行可修复错误:

from src.Accentizer2.Accentizer import Accentizer

But then I get the error 'src is not a module name' after I build and install the Accentizer2 package and try to import it in another project.但是在我构建并安装 Accentizer2 package 并尝试将其导入另一个项目后,我收到错误“src 不是模块名称”。

Several things are a little off in here这里有几件事有点不对劲

Current problem当前问题

in your Accentizer.py you are trying to import a global package Annotation .在您的Accentizer.py中,您尝试导入全局 package Annotation However, the Annotation.py is a local file (local to the package/folder).但是, Annotation.py是一个本地文件(包/文件夹的本地文件)。

Assuming your src folder is in the sys.path , a correct way of doing it (given your folder structure) is either have a global or local import.假设您的src文件夹在sys.path中,正确的做法(给定您的文件夹结构)是全局或本地导入。 Note: the names global and local are not really standard:)注意:名称 global 和 local 并不是真正的标准:)

Global import全球进口

This just imports the package, and provides a fully qualified path during import.这只是导入 package,并在导入期间提供完全限定的路径。 Assumption is that src is in the path.假设src在路径中。

from src.Accentizer2.Annotation import Annotation

class Accentizer:
    x = 10

Local import本地导入

This one doesn't care about where everything is located, and uses .这个不关心所有东西的位置,并使用. to refer to the current folder.引用当前文件夹。 You can also use .. to refer to parent, ... to grandparent, etc.您也可以使用..来指代父母, ...来指代祖父母等。

from .Annotation import Annotation

class Accentizer:
    x = 10

Stylistic problems文体问题

src folder src文件夹

It is non-pythonic to have a src folder.有一个src文件夹是非 Pythonic 的。 It is customary for a lot of languages, but not some much for python对于很多语言来说这是惯例,但对于 python 来说并不多

Naming convention命名约定

Generally, you don't wanna name the files the same as the class names.通常,您不想将文件命名为与 class 名称相同的名称。 I would suggest having files accentizer.py and annotation.py with classes Accentizer and Annotation respectively.我建议分别使用带有AccentizerAnnotation类的文件accentizer.pyannotation.py The reasoning is that having the same name for class and file might break the import process.原因是 class 和文件具有相同的名称可能会中断导入过程。

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