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将带有字典子列表的字典转换为 pandas dataframe

[英]Convert dictionary with sub-list of dictionaries into pandas dataframe

I have this code with a dictionary "dict":我有这个带有字典“dict”的代码:

import pandas as pd

dict = {
    '2000': [{'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '91'}],
    '2001': [{'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '80'}],
    '2002': [{'team': 'Arsenal', 'points': '87'}]

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict, orient='index')

The result is:结果是:

2000  {'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '91'}
2001  {'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '80'}
2002            {'team': 'Arsenal', 'points': '87'}

But what I want is:但我想要的是:

        team                  points
2000    Manchester United     91
2001    Manchester United     80
2002    Arsenal               87

I would like to obtain this, without using loops in python, and by using pandas.我想获得这个,而不使用 python 中的循环,并使用 pandas。 Can anyone help me out?谁能帮我吗?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Tr this. Tr这个。 This would depend on how large your data is.这将取决于您的数据有多大。

diction =  {
    '2000': [{'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '91'}],
    '2001': [{'team': 'Manchester United', 'points': '80'}],
    '2002': [{'team': 'Arsenal', 'points': '87'}]
transformed_dict= {x:d for x,y in diction.items() for d in y }
df = pd.DataFrame(transformed_dict)

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