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添加自定义 fonts 作为字体类型 SwiftUI 的扩展

[英]Adding custom fonts as an extension to the Font type SwiftUI

First to be clear, I am not asking how can I add custom fonts to SwiftUI, I'm asking how can I extend the Font type with custom fonts.首先要清楚,我不是问如何将自定义 fonts 添加到 SwiftUI,我问如何使用自定义 Z980D14C0C85495B48B9A9134658E6121 扩展字体类型。

For example I am using the custom font Manrope .例如,我正在使用自定义字体Manrope I added the ttf files to my project and added it to my Information plist.我将 ttf 文件添加到我的项目中,并将其添加到我的信息 plist 中。 Current I have to use the font like this:当前我必须使用这样的字体:

.font(.custom("Manrope-SemiBold", size: 24))

I was wondering if I could extend Font so that I could use Manrope like this我想知道我是否可以扩展字体以便我可以像这样使用 Manrope




Use enums for multiple font types and functions for the set custom font.为设置的自定义字体使用多种字体类型和函数的枚举。

Here is a possible solution这是一个可能的解决方案

//MARK: Font Extension
extension Font {
    enum ManropeFont {
        case semibold
        case custom(String)
        var value: String {
            switch self {
            case .semibold:
                return "Semibold"
            case .custom(let name):
                return name
    enum RobotoFont {
        case semibold
        case custom(String)
        var value: String {
            switch self {
            case .semibold:
                return "Semibold"
            case .custom(let name):
                return name
    static func manrope(_ type: ManropeFont, size: CGFloat = 26) -> Font {
        return .custom(type.value, size: size)
    static func roboto(_ type: RobotoFont, size: CGFloat = 26) -> Font {
        return .custom(type.value, size: size)


struct ContentViewFonts: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Text demo")
            Text("Text demo")
            Text("Text demo")
                .font(.roboto(.semibold, size: 10))
            Text("Text demo")

You could declare your custom font as a static computed property on Font:您可以将自定义字体声明为字体上的 static 计算属性:

extension Font {
    static var myCustomFont: Font {
        Font.custom("Manrope-SemiBold", size: 24)

or even better like this to support dynamic type:甚至更好地支持动态类型:

extension Font {

    static var myCustomFont: Font {
        Font.custom("Manrope-SemiBold", size: 24, relativeTo: .title2)

Then you can use it the same way you would predefined system fonts:然后您可以像预定义系统 fonts 一样使用它:


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