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[英]How can I add a method for rotate the element automatically at page load?

In my index page I have a cube built with css and animated with js, at the moment I rotate the cube by clicking the mouse and drag.在我的索引页面中,我有一个用 css 构建并使用 js 动画的立方体,此时我通过单击鼠标并拖动来旋转立方体。 I want also at the load of page that the cube automatically rotate random slowly and at the click take the controll.我还希望在页面加载时立方体会自动缓慢随机旋转并在单击时控制。 How can I do that, after code my try:在我尝试编码后,我该怎么做:

var events = new Events();
events.add = function(obj) {
  obj.events = { };
events.implement = function(fn) {
  fn.prototype = Object.create(Events.prototype);

function Events() {
  this.events = { };
Events.prototype.on = function(name, fn) {
  var events = this.events[name];
  if (events == undefined) {
    this.events[name] = [ fn ];
    this.emit('event:on', fn);
  } else {
    if (events.indexOf(fn) == -1) {
      this.emit('event:on', fn);
  return this;
Events.prototype.once = function(name, fn) {
  var events = this.events[name];
  fn.once = true;
  if (!events) {
    this.events[name] = [ fn ];
    this.emit('event:once', fn);
  } else {
    if (events.indexOf(fn) == -1) {
      this.emit('event:once', fn);
  return this;
Events.prototype.emit = function(name, args) {
  var events = this.events[name];
  if (events) {
    var i = events.length;
    while(i--) {
      if (events[i]) {
        events[i].call(this, args);
        if (events[i].once) {
          delete events[i];
  return this;
Events.prototype.unbind = function(name, fn) {
  if (name) {
    var events = this.events[name];
    if (events) {
      if (fn) {
        var i = events.indexOf(fn);
        if (i != -1) {
          delete events[i];
      } else {
        delete this.events[name];
  } else {
    delete this.events;
    this.events = { };
  return this;

var userPrefix;

var prefix = (function () {
  var styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ''),
    pre = (Array.prototype.slice
      .match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) || (styles.OLink === '' && ['', 'o'])
    dom = ('WebKit|Moz|MS|O').match(new RegExp('(' + pre + ')', 'i'))[1];
  userPrefix = {
    dom: dom,
    lowercase: pre,
    css: '-' + pre + '-',
    js: pre[0].toUpperCase() + pre.substr(1)

function bindEvent(element, type, handler) {
  if(element.addEventListener) {
    element.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
  } else {
    element.attachEvent('on' + type, handler);

function Viewport(data) {

  var self = this;

  this.element = data.element;
  this.fps = data.fps;
  this.sensivity = data.sensivity;
  this.sensivityFade = data.sensivityFade;
  this.touchSensivity = data.touchSensivity;
  this.speed = data.speed;

  this.lastX = 0;
  this.lastY = 0;
  this.mouseX = 0;
  this.mouseY = 0;
  this.distanceX = 0;
  this.distanceY = 0;
  this.positionX = 1122;
  this.positionY = 136;
  this.torqueX = 0;
  this.torqueY = 0;

  this.down = false;
  this.upsideDown = false;

  this.previousPositionX = 0;
  this.previousPositionY = 0;

  this.currentSide = 0;
  this.calculatedSide = 0;

  bindEvent(document, 'mousedown', function() {
    self.down = true;

  bindEvent(document, 'mouseup', function() {
    self.down = false;
  bindEvent(document, 'keyup', function() {
    self.down = false;

  bindEvent(document, 'mousemove', function(e) {
    self.mouseX = e.pageX;
    self.mouseY = e.pageY;

  bindEvent(document, 'touchstart', function(e) {

    self.down = true;
    e.touches ? e = e.touches[0] : null;
    self.mouseX = e.pageX / self.touchSensivity;
    self.mouseY = e.pageY / self.touchSensivity;
    self.lastX  = self.mouseX;
    self.lastY  = self.mouseY;

  bindEvent(document, 'touchmove', function(e) {
    if(e.preventDefault) { 

    if(e.touches.length == 1) {

      e.touches ? e = e.touches[0] : null;

      self.mouseX = e.pageX / self.touchSensivity;
      self.mouseY = e.pageY / self.touchSensivity;


  bindEvent(document, 'touchend', function(e) {
    self.down = false;

  setInterval(this.animate.bind(this), this.fps);


Viewport.prototype.animate = function() {

  this.distanceX = (this.mouseX - this.lastX);
  this.distanceY = (this.mouseY - this.lastY);

  this.lastX = this.mouseX;
  this.lastY = this.mouseY;

  if(this.down) {
    this.torqueX = this.torqueX * this.sensivityFade + (this.distanceX * this.speed - this.torqueX) * this.sensivity;
    this.torqueY = this.torqueY * this.sensivityFade + (this.distanceY * this.speed - this.torqueY) * this.sensivity;

  if(Math.abs(this.torqueX) > 1.0 || Math.abs(this.torqueY) > 1.0) {
    if(!this.down) {
      this.torqueX *= this.sensivityFade;
      this.torqueY *= this.sensivityFade;

    this.positionY -= this.torqueY;

    if(this.positionY > 360) {
      this.positionY -= 360;
    } else if(this.positionY < 0) {
      this.positionY += 360;

    if(this.positionY > 90 && this.positionY < 270) {
      this.positionX -= this.torqueX;

      if(!this.upsideDown) {
        this.upsideDown = true;
        this.emit('upsideDown', { upsideDown: this.upsideDown });

    } else {

      this.positionX += this.torqueX;

      if(this.upsideDown) {
        this.upsideDown = false;
        this.emit('upsideDown', { upsideDown: this.upsideDown });

    if(this.positionX > 360) {
      this.positionX -= 360;
    } else if(this.positionX < 0) {
      this.positionX += 360;

    if(!(this.positionY >= 46 && this.positionY <= 130) && !(this.positionY >= 220 && this.positionY <= 308)) {
      if(this.upsideDown) {
        if(this.positionX >= 42 && this.positionX <= 130) {
          this.calculatedSide = 3;
        } else if(this.positionX >= 131 && this.positionX <= 223) {
          this.calculatedSide = 2;
        } else if(this.positionX >= 224 && this.positionX <= 314) {
          this.calculatedSide = 5;
        } else {
          this.calculatedSide = 4;
      } else {
        if(this.positionX >= 42 && this.positionX <= 130) {
          this.calculatedSide = 5;
        } else if(this.positionX >= 131 && this.positionX <= 223) {
          this.calculatedSide = 4;
        } else if(this.positionX >= 224 && this.positionX <= 314) {
          this.calculatedSide = 3;
        } else {
          this.calculatedSide = 2;
    } else {
      if(this.positionY >= 46 && this.positionY <= 130) {
        this.calculatedSide = 6;

      if(this.positionY >= 220 && this.positionY <= 308) {
        this.calculatedSide = 1;

    if(this.calculatedSide !== this.currentSide) {
      this.currentSide = this.calculatedSide;


  this.element.style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotateX(' + this.positionY + 'deg) rotateY(' + this.positionX + 'deg)';

  if(this.positionY != this.previousPositionY || this.positionX != this.previousPositionX) {
    this.previousPositionY = this.positionY;
    this.previousPositionX = this.positionX;




var viewport = new Viewport({
  element: document.getElementsByClassName('cube')[0],
  fps: 20,
  sensivity: .1,
  sensivityFade: .93,
  speed: 0.5,
  touchSensivity: 1.5

function Cube(data) {
  var self = this;

  this.element = data.element;
  this.sides = this.element.getElementsByClassName('side');

  this.viewport = data.viewport;
  // this.viewport.on('rotate', function() {
  //   self.rotateSides();
  // });
  // this.viewport.on('upsideDown', function(obj) {
  //   self.upsideDown(obj);
  // });
  this.viewport.on('sideChange', function() {
// Cube.prototype.rotateSides = function() {
//   var viewport = this.viewport;
//   if(viewport.positionY > 90 && viewport.positionY < 270) {
//     this.sides[0].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + (viewport.positionX + viewport.torqueX) + 'deg)';
//     this.sides[5].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + -(viewport.positionX + 180 + viewport.torqueX) + 'deg)';
//   } else {
//     this.sides[0].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + (viewport.positionX - viewport.torqueX) + 'deg)';
//     this.sides[5].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + -(viewport.positionX + 180 - viewport.torqueX) + 'deg)';
//   }
// }
// Cube.prototype.upsideDown = function(obj) {

//   var deg = (obj.upsideDown == true) ? '180deg' : '0deg';
//   var i = 5;

//   while(i > 0 && --i) {
//     this.sides[i].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + deg + ')';
//   }
// }
Cube.prototype.sideChange = function() {

  for(var i = 0; i < this.sides.length; ++i) {
    this.sides[i].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].className = 'cube-image';    

  this.sides[this.viewport.currentSide - 1].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].className = 'cube-image active';


// Cube.prototype.autoMove = function() {
//   var viewport = this.viewport;
//   this.sides[0].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) + 'deg)';
//   this.sides[5].getElementsByClassName('cube-image')[0].style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotate(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 360) + 'deg)';
// }

// this.autoMove();

new Cube({
  viewport: viewport,
  element: document.getElementsByClassName('cube')[0]

I tried to make something like this:我试图做这样的事情:

Viewport.prototype.autoMove = document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    this.positionX = 0;
    this.positionY = 0;
    while (this.positionX <= 1122 && this.positionY <= 136) {
      this.element.style[userPrefix.js + 'Transform'] = 'rotateX(' + this.positionY + 'deg) rotateY(' + this.positionX + 'deg)';


This is the html code:这是 html 代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/style.css">
    <title>Cube Project</title>
  <h1 id="theTitle">CUBE</h1>
  <div id="wrapper">
    <div class="viewport">
      <div class="cube">
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image"><h2><a class="cube-link" href="#">BLA BLA BLA,<br> BLA BLA BLA.</a></h2></div>
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image">2</div>
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image">3</div>
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image">4</div>
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image">5</div>
        <div class="side">
          <div class="cube-image active">6</div>
  <script src="./assets/js/app.js"></script>

Give an animation style to the cube elementcube元素一个 animation 样式

@keyframes rotate{
  to{ transform: rotate(360deg); }

  animation: rotate 4.5s linear infinite; 
var randomMoves=serInterval(rotateRandomly,100);

function rotateRandomly() { ... }

on click:点击:

if(randomMoves!=NULL) clearInterval(randomMoves);

Of course you should use requestAnimationFrame instead, but this is so simple...当然你应该使用 requestAnimationFrame 代替,但这很简单......

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