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[英]Split cell value that based on a delimiter and insert to a new columns

The header should be written to each new column inserted, and the cell value should split by the "," delimiter. header 应写入每个插入的新列,单元格值应由“,”分隔符分隔。



Header name Header 名称 another columns from right...右边的另一列...


Header name Header 名称 Header name Header 名称 Header name Header 名称 another columns from right...右边的另一列...
value1价值1 value2价值2 value3价值3
value1价值1 value2价值2

So far I tried:到目前为止,我尝试过:

Function multipleValues(colName As String)

    Set Rng = getHeadersRange(colName)

    colNumber = Rng.Columns(Rng.Columns.Count).Column

    ColLtr = Cells(1, colNumber).Address(True, False)
    ColLtr = Replace(ColLtr, "$1", "")

    Dim indexOfWord As Integer
    Dim maxValues As Integer
    'Find out how many new columns needs to be inserted
    Dim item As String, newItem As String
    Dim items As Variant, newItems As Variant
    maxValues = 0
    For Each cell In Rng
        items = Split(cell.Value, ",")
        If maxValues < UBound(items) Then
            maxValues = UBound(items)
        End If
    Next cell
    'Insert new columns
    If maxValues > 0 Then
        Columns(Rng.Column).Offset(, 1).Resize(, maxValues).Insert
    End If
    'Duplicate the header to the new columns
    'For i = 1 To maxValues
        'Cells(1, ColLtr + i).Value = colName

    'Next i
    'Split the items to columns

    For Each cell In Rng
        items = Split(cell.Value, ",")
        maxValues = UBound(items)
        For i = 0 To UBound(items)
            firstValue = items(0)
            cell.Offset(0, i) = items(i)
            cell.Value = firstValue
        Next i
    Next cell
End Function

Currently, I get the new columns with their values except for the header row values.目前,除了 header 行值之外,我得到了新列及其值。

I would do the following:我会做以下事情:

First find out how many columns need to be added.首先找出需要添加多少列。 We do that by counting the delimiters (commas) in the column and use the maximum + 1 to get the amount of columns we will have in the end after splitting.我们通过计算列中的分隔符(逗号)来做到这一点,并使用最大值 + 1 来获得拆分后我们最终将拥有的列数。

Then we read the data of the column into a Data array for faster processing and prepare an Output array in the calculated size.然后我们将该列的数据读入一个Data数组以进行更快的处理,并准备一个计算出的大小的Output数组。

Then we multiply the header to the Output array and split the data rows into the output array.然后我们将 header 乘以Output数组,并将数据行拆分为 output 数组。

Finally we just need to add the right amount of columns to the right and fill in the data from our array.最后,我们只需要在右侧添加适量的列并填写数组中的数据。


Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()
    ExpandColumnByDelimiter Columns(1), ","
End Sub

Public Sub ExpandColumnByDelimiter(ByVal ColumnToExpand As Range, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = ",")
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ColumnToExpand.Parent
    Dim LastRow As Long
    LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, ColumnToExpand.Column).End(xlUp).Row
    ' get data address for formula
    Dim DataAddress As String
    DataAddress = ColumnToExpand.Resize(RowSize:=LastRow - 1, ColumnSize:=1).Offset(RowOffset:=1).Address(True, True, xlA1, True)
    ' get max number of columns for output
    Dim MaxColumns As Long
    MaxColumns = Evaluate("=MAX(LEN(" & DataAddress & ")-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(" & DataAddress & ",""" & Delimiter & ""","""")))") / Len(Delimiter) + 1
    ' read column data into array
    Dim Data() As Variant
    Data = ColumnToExpand.Resize(RowSize:=LastRow).Value
    ' prepare output array
    Dim Output() As Variant
    ReDim Output(1 To LastRow, 1 To MaxColumns) As Variant
    ' multiply header
    Dim iHeader As Long
    For iHeader = 1 To MaxColumns
        Output(1, iHeader) = Data(1, 1)
    Next iHeader
    ' split data into output array
    Dim SplitData() As String
    Dim iRow As Long
    For iRow = LBound(Data, 1) + 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
        SplitData = Split(Data(iRow, 1), Delimiter)
        Dim iCol As Long
        For iCol = LBound(SplitData) To UBound(SplitData)
            Output(iRow, iCol + 1) = SplitData(iCol)
        Next iCol
    Next iRow
    ' add new columns to the sheet
    ColumnToExpand.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1).Resize(ColumnSize:=MaxColumns - 1).Insert xlShiftToRight
    ' write the data
    ColumnToExpand.Resize(RowSize:=UBound(Output, 1), ColumnSize:=UBound(Output, 2)).Value = Output
End Sub

To turn this要转这个


into this进入这个


/// Edit /// 编辑

And well of course as Siddharth Rout pointed out correcty you can still use the text to column feature if you add in the blank columns that are needed to expand the data.当然,正如 Siddharth Rout 指出的那样,如果您添加扩展数据所需的空白列,您仍然可以使用文本到列功能。 In the end this method would be more efficient.最后,这种方法会更有效。

Public Sub ExpandColumnByDelimiter(ByVal ColumnToExpand As Range, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = ",")
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ColumnToExpand.Parent
    Dim LastRow As Long
    LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, ColumnToExpand.Column).End(xlUp).Row
    ' get data address for formula
    Dim DataAddress As String
    DataAddress = ColumnToExpand.Resize(RowSize:=LastRow - 1, ColumnSize:=1).Offset(RowOffset:=1).Address(True, True, xlA1, True)
    ' get max number of columns for output
    Dim MaxColumns As Long
    MaxColumns = Evaluate("=MAX(LEN(" & DataAddress & ")-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(" & DataAddress & ",""" & Delimiter & ""","""")))") / Len(Delimiter) + 1
    ' add new columns to the sheet
    ColumnToExpand.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1).Resize(ColumnSize:=MaxColumns - 1).Insert xlShiftToRight
    ' text to column
    ColumnToExpand.Resize(RowSize:=LastRow - 1, ColumnSize:=1).Offset(RowOffset:=1) _
        .TextToColumns Destination:=ColumnToExpand.Cells(2, 1), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
        TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
        Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False,  Other:=True, OtherChar:=Delimiter
    ' multiply header
    ColumnToExpand.Cells(1, 1).Resize(ColumnSize:=MaxColumns).Value = ColumnToExpand.Cells(1, 1).Value
End Sub

Try this (works only in Excel 365).试试这个(仅适用于 Excel 365)。 First section of function should be your delimiter with double quotes and second section should be your range. function 的第一部分应该是你的双引号分隔符,第二部分应该是你的范围。

Function PC_Split(a As String, b As String)
Dim Text() As String
Text = Split(b, a)
PC_Split = Text
End Function

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