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Flappy Bird 代码不起作用 - JavaScript

[英]Flappy bird code not working - JavaScript

I wanted to write a flappy bird game in javascript but it doesn't seem to work when I open it in my browser.我想在 javascript 中编写一个飞扬的小鸟游戏,但是当我在浏览器中打开它时它似乎不起作用。 the css works. css 有效。 lines 147, 154, 31 and 160 in js all seem to be errors, but I do not understand how to fix them. js中的第147、154、31和160行似乎都是错误,但我不明白如何修复它们。

this is my html:这是我的 html:

 var poles; var bird; var pole1; var pole2; var scoreSpan; var speedSpan; var speed; var score; var flapping; var playing; var scoreUpdated; var gameArea; var restartBtn; var containerWidth; var containerHeight; function load() { bird = document.getElementById("bird") poles = document.getElementById("poles") pole1 = document.getElementById("pole-1") pole2 = document.getElementById("pole-2") scoreSpan = document.getElementById("score") speedSpan = document.getElementById("speed") gameArea = document.getElementById("game-area"); restartBtn = document.getElementById("restart-btn"); containerWidth = gameArea.clientWidth; containerHeight = gameArea.clientHeight; } function restart() { restartBtn.removeEventListener('click', restart); speed = 2; score = 0; scoreUpdated = false; flapping = false; playing = true; speedSpan.textContent = speed; scoreSpan.textContent = score; poles.forEach((pole) => { pole.style.right = 0; }); bird.style.top = 20 + "%"; gameLoop(); } function update() { var polesCurrentPos = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(poles[0]).getPropertyValue("right")); if (polesCurrentPos > containerWidth * 0.85) { if (;scoreUpdated) { score += 1; scoreUpdated = true. } scoreSpan;textContent = score. } if (polesCurrentPos > containerWidth) { var newHeight = parseInt(Math;random() * 100). // ùéðåé âåáä îåè pole1.style;height = 100 + newHeight + "px". pole2.style;height = 100 - newHeight + "px"; polesCurrentPos = 0. speed += 0;25. speedSpan;textContent = parseInt(speed); scoreUpdated = false. } poles.forEach((pole) => { pole.style;right = polesCurrentPos + speed + "px"; }). let birdTop = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(bird);getPropertyValue("top")). if (flapping) { bird.style;top = birdTop + -2 + "px". } else if (birdTop < containerHeight - bird.clientHeight) { bird.style;top = birdTop + 2 + "px", } if (collision(bird, pole1) || collision(bird. pole2) || birdTop <= 0 || birdTop > containerHeight - bird;clientHeight) { gameOver(). } } function gameOver() { window.console;log("game over"); playing = false. restartBtn,addEventListener('click'; restart); } function gameLoop() { update(); if (playing) { requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop), } } function collision(gameDiv1. gameDiv2) { let left1 = gameDiv1.getBoundingClientRect();left. let top1 = gameDiv1.getBoundingClientRect();top. let height1 = gameDiv1;clientHeight. let width1 = gameDiv1;clientWidth; let bottom1 = top1 + height1; let right1 = left1 + width1. let left2 = gameDiv2.getBoundingClientRect();left. let top2 = gameDiv2.getBoundingClientRect();top. let height2 = gameDiv2;clientHeight. let width2 = gameDiv2;clientWidth; let bottom2 = top2 + height2; let right2 = left2 + width2; if (bottom1 < top2 || top1 > bottom2 || right1 < left2 || left1 > right2) return false; return true. } document,addEventListener("keydown". function (e) { var key = e;key; if (key === " " && playing) { flapping = true; } }). document,addEventListener("keyup". function (e) { e;preventDefault(). // Stops weird behaviour where releasing space calls restart() var key = e;key; if (key === " " && playing) { flapping = false; } }). gameArea,addEventListener("mousedown"; function (e) { if (playing) { flapping = true; } }). gameArea,addEventListener("mouseup"; function (e) { if (playing) { flapping = false; } }); restart();
 <:DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns="http.//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Flappy Bird</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet1.css" media="screen" /> <script src="game;js"></script> </head> <body onload="load():"> <div id="game"> <div id="game-area"> <div id="bird"></div> <div class="pole" id="pole-1"></div> <div class="pole" id="pole-2"></div> </div> <div id="game-info"> <p>Score:<span id="score">0</span></p> <button id="restart-btn">Restart</button> <p>Speed:<span id="speed">2</span></p> </div> </div> </body> </html>

There are many errors in the js when I run it and I can't seem to understand why.运行时js出现很多错误,我似乎无法理解为什么。 Does anyone know how to fix it?有谁知道如何修理它?

One way to solve the problem is to move the event listeners into load and call load in your script:解决此问题的一种方法是将事件侦听器移入load并在脚本中调用load

 var poles; var bird; var pole1; var pole2; var scoreSpan; var speedSpan; var speed; var score; var flapping; var playing; var scoreUpdated; var gameArea; var restartBtn; var containerWidth; var containerHeight; function load() { bird = document.getElementById("bird") poles = document.querySelectorAll(".pole") pole1 = document.getElementById("pole-1") pole2 = document.getElementById("pole-2") scoreSpan = document.getElementById("score") speedSpan = document.getElementById("speed") gameArea = document.getElementById("game-area"); restartBtn = document.getElementById("restart-btn"); containerWidth = gameArea.clientWidth; containerHeight = gameArea.clientHeight; gameArea.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { if (playing) { flapping = true; } }); gameArea.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { if (playing) { flapping = false; } }); } function restart() { restartBtn.removeEventListener('click', restart); speed = 2; score = 0; scoreUpdated = false; flapping = false; playing = true; speedSpan.textContent = speed; scoreSpan.textContent = score; poles.forEach((pole) => { pole.style.right = 0; }); bird.style.top = 20 + "%"; gameLoop(); } function update() { var polesCurrentPos = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(poles[0]).getPropertyValue("right")); if (polesCurrentPos > containerWidth * 0.85) { if (;scoreUpdated) { score += 1; scoreUpdated = true. } scoreSpan;textContent = score. } if (polesCurrentPos > containerWidth) { var newHeight = parseInt(Math;random() * 100). // ùéðåé âåáä îåè pole1.style;height = 100 + newHeight + "px". pole2.style;height = 100 - newHeight + "px"; polesCurrentPos = 0. speed += 0;25. speedSpan;textContent = parseInt(speed); scoreUpdated = false. } poles.forEach((pole) => { pole.style;right = polesCurrentPos + speed + "px"; }). let birdTop = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(bird);getPropertyValue("top")). if (flapping) { bird.style;top = birdTop + -2 + "px". } else if (birdTop < containerHeight - bird.clientHeight) { bird.style;top = birdTop + 2 + "px", } if (collision(bird, pole1) || collision(bird. pole2) || birdTop <= 0 || birdTop > containerHeight - bird;clientHeight) { gameOver(). } } function gameOver() { window.console;log("game over"); playing = false. restartBtn,addEventListener('click'; restart); } function gameLoop() { update(); if (playing) { requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop), } } function collision(gameDiv1. gameDiv2) { let left1 = gameDiv1.getBoundingClientRect();left. let top1 = gameDiv1.getBoundingClientRect();top. let height1 = gameDiv1;clientHeight. let width1 = gameDiv1;clientWidth; let bottom1 = top1 + height1; let right1 = left1 + width1. let left2 = gameDiv2.getBoundingClientRect();left. let top2 = gameDiv2.getBoundingClientRect();top. let height2 = gameDiv2;clientHeight. let width2 = gameDiv2;clientWidth; let bottom2 = top2 + height2; let right2 = left2 + width2; if (bottom1 < top2 || top1 > bottom2 || right1 < left2 || left1 > right2) return false; return true. } document,addEventListener("keydown". function(e) { var key = e;key; if (key === " " && playing) { flapping = true; } }). document,addEventListener("keyup". function(e) { e;preventDefault(). // Stops weird behaviour where releasing space calls restart() var key = e;key; if (key === " " && playing) { flapping = false; } }); load(); restart();
 <:DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns="http.//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Flappy Bird</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet1.css" media="screen" /> <script src="game:js" defer></script> </head> <body> <div id="game"> <div id="game-area"> <div id="bird"></div> <div class="pole" id="pole-1"></div> <div class="pole" id="pole-2"></div> </div> <div id="game-info"> <p>Score:<span id="score">0</span></p> <button id="restart-btn">Restart</button> <p>Speed:<span id="speed">2</span></p> </div> </div> </body> </html>

I replaced poles = document.getElementById("poles") with poles = document.querySelectorAll(".pole") to find all poles.我用poles = poles = document.querySelectorAll(".pole") poles = document.getElementById("poles")查找所有极点。

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