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Node js Eventemitter没有触发

[英]Node js Eventemitter not fireing

I have the Problem, that my Eventemitter is not fireing.我有问题,我的 Eventemitter 没有触发。 I already googled the Problem and it seems like my order of the code is wrong.. or at least thats my guess.我已经用谷歌搜索了这个问题,看起来我的代码顺序是错误的..或者至少这是我的猜测。 Anyways, no matter how I put the Order of creating the client.js class, it's not triggering.无论如何,无论我如何放置创建client.js class 的顺序,它都不会触发。

FYI creating a electron app that is communicating with a server over TCP/IP.仅供参考,创建一个通过 TCP/IP 与服务器通信的 electron 应用程序。 When the clients connection status is changing, the "connection"-event should trigger to tell the frontend to change.当客户端连接状态发生变化时,应该触发“连接”事件来告诉前端发生变化。 Other events like "error" are working. “错误”等其他事件正在运行。

I dont know if this is enough code for you, just tell me if you need more.我不知道这对你来说是否足够的代码,如果你需要更多,请告诉我。


class Client extends events.EventEmitter {
  constructor(HOST, PORT){
    // setting up the client..
    this.host = HOST;
    this.port = PORT;
    // and so on...
    this.client = new net.Socket();
    // othere eventlisteres...
    this.client.on("connect", this.connectEventHandler);
  connectEventHandler() {
    try {
      this.status = "connected"; // I can check the status from main
      this.tryReconnecting = false; // other logic of the client class
      this.emit("connection"); // this is the event (not working)
      console.log("connection status should be triggered"); // this console.log is working
    } catch (error) {
      this.emit("error", error);

main.js main.js

// creating the client
const client = new Client(process.env.SERVER, process.env.PORT);

// when the app is ready, client is told to connect to the server
app.whenReady().then(() => {
  app.on("activate", function () {
    if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow();

// the error event is working perfectly, event when I call it in the connectEventHandler
client.on("error", (message) => {
  console.log("error event triggered");
  dialog.showMessageBoxSync(mainWindow, {
    title: "Fehler",
    message: message,

// this part is not working
client.on("connection", () => {
  console.log("new client status: " + client.status);
  mainWindow.webContents.send("client-status", client.status);

Even when I call the error event instead of the connection event, the error is displayed in my app:即使我调用错误事件而不是连接事件,错误也会显示在我的应用程序中:

// code from client.js
connectEventHandler() {
  try {
    this.status = "connected"; // I can check the status from main
    this.tryReconnecting = false; // other logic of the client class

    // this part is getting ignored

    // this part is executed
    this.emit("error", "this is a test error");

  } catch (error) {
    this.emit("error", error);

the Response from the last bit of code (connectEventHandler):最后一段代码的响应(connectEventHandler):


What is going on here?这里发生了什么?


The Problem was the ConnectEventHandler, after putting the logic of this function into the constructor of the client, every event is getting triggered properly.问题是ConnectEventHandler,在将这个function的逻辑放入客户端的构造函数之后,每个事件都被正确触发了。

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