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Javascript 或 php 调用以加载/编辑同一页面内的 html 表行数据

[英]Javascript or php call to load/edit html table row data inside same page

I've created an html table reading records from SQL trough PHP and managed to perform add, edit and delete actions.我创建了一个 html 表从 SQL 槽 PHP 读取记录并设法执行添加、编辑和删除操作。 Anyway my edit sciprt do it loading a blank page while I'd rather want to do it in the sama page.无论如何,我的编辑 sciprt 会加载一个空白页面,而我宁愿在 sama 页面中执行它。 Of course could try CRUD but that seems me over my knwoledge skills, so wuold like to use Java to pass them in a form already shown in the page (which I use to add new data).当然可以尝试 CRUD,但这似乎是我的知识技能,所以 wuold 喜欢使用 Java 以页面中已经显示的形式传递它们(我用它来添加新数据)。 I figured out at least two ways to do it:我想出了至少两种方法:

  • tag single html td contents and use java to read them in the form标记单个 html td 内容并使用 java 以表格形式读取它们
  • call back action from php and load them in the form从 php 回调操作并以表格形式加载它们

to avoid PHP/SQL call which may be slower, I'd prefer first option.为了避免可能较慢的 PHP/SQL 调用,我更喜欢第一个选项。 So created a table structure like that and tried to use variable $row['id_contact'] which match the unique ID from SQL table that way in the edit button:所以创建了一个这样的表结构,并尝试在编辑按钮中使用与 SQL 表中的唯一 ID 匹配的变量 $row['id_contact'] :

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))   {

echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTid_contact" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['id_contact'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTname" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['name'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTsurname" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['surname'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel1" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['tel1'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel2" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['tel2']. "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTmail" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['mail'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTorganization" . $row['id_contact'] . "'>" . $row['organization'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td> <button onclick='loadDATAtoCHANGE(" . $row['id_contact'] . ");'>edit</button></td>";
echo "<td> <a href=DELETEcontact/removeCONTACT.php?id=" . $row['id_contact'] . " \">&#9746;</a></td></td>";
echo "</tr>";


Despite my tries didn't succeded in make Javascript recognize the row value.尽管我的尝试没有成功让 Javascript 识别行值。

Anyway was able to call static data load - setting it for example equal to row 10 contents , ie value='"+document.getElementById(' rubricaCONTACTname10 ').innerHTML+"'无论如何都能够调用static 数据加载 - 例如将其设置为等于第 10 行内容,即 value='"+document.getElementById(' rubricaCONTACTname10 ').innerHTML+"'

function loadDATAtoCHANGE()
document.getElementById("rubricaCONTACTname").innerHTML = 
"<div class='tooltipLEFT'>&#x1F6C8;<span class='tooltiptext'>nome</span></div><input type='text' name='save1' id='enteringCONTACTname' placeholder='name' onkeyup='updateCONTACTname()' value='"+document.getElementById('rubricaCONTACTname10').innerHTML+"' /></br>";

As a matter of fact still hasn't understood how to pass $row['id_contact'] inside the very java call argument in order to make it dinamically choose the rows.事实上,仍然不明白如何在非常 java 调用参数中传递 $row['id_contact'] 以使其动态地选择行。 Basically I thought it should be simply placed inside the function argument () but, if so, my syntax didn't work out.基本上我认为它应该简单地放在 function 参数 () 中,但如果是这样,我的语法没有成功。 Does some one has some suggestions to make it happen?有人有一些建议来实现它吗?

Should you find any other solutions would anyway give it chance;)如果您发现任何其他解决方案无论如何都会给它机会;)

You have to change your onclick statement to:您必须将 onclick 语句更改为:

echo "<td> <button onclick='loadDATAtoCHANGE(\'" . $row['id_contact'] . "\')'>

Because if you miss quotes around PHP var, JavaScript read the value like var and not like string.因为如果您错过 PHP var 周围的引号,JavaScript 会读取类似 var 而不是字符串的值。

In the function you have to use在 function 你必须使用

function loadDATAtoCHANGE(id) {
    let dataToChange = "rubricaCONTACTname"+id;
    document.getElementById(dataToChange).innerHTML = 
    "<div class='tooltipLEFT'>&#x1F6C8;<span class='tooltiptext'>nome</span></div><input type='text' name='save1' id='enteringCONTACTname' placeholder='name' onkeyup='updateCONTACTname(id)' value='"+document.getElementById(dataToChange).innerHTML+"' /></br>";

Other way will be passing this inside your function where this refer to current button which is click and then use .closest("tr").querySelectorAll("span[id*=rubricaCONTACT]").forEach... to loop through all span tags which is inside your tr and then inside loop append new inputs in some variable and then add them inside your form tag.其他方式将在您的 function 中传递thisthis指的是当前按钮,即单击,然后使用.closest("tr").querySelectorAll("span[id*=rubricaCONTACT]").forEach...循环所有span 标签在您的 tr 内,然后在循环内 append 在某个变量中新输入,然后将它们添加到您的form标签中。

Changes you can make in your php code :您可以在php 代码中进行更改:

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))   {
//you can give any name inside data-name..it will label and name="" for input
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTid_contact" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='id'>" . $row['id_contact'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTname" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='name'>" . $row['name'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTsurname" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='surname'>" . $row['surname'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel1" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='tel1'>" . $row['tel1'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel2" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='tel2' >" . $row['tel2']. "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTmail" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='email'>" . $row['mail'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td><span id='rubricaCONTACTorganization" . $row['id_contact'] . "' data-name='organization'>" . $row['organization'] . "</span></td>";
echo "<td> <button onclick='loadDATAtoCHANGE(this);'>edit</button></td>";
echo "<td> <a href=DELETEcontact/removeCONTACT.php?id=" . $row['id_contact'] . " \">&#9746;</a></td></td>";
echo "</tr>";


Demo Code :演示代码

 function loadDATAtoCHANGE(selector) { var htmls = ""; //loop through spans... selector.closest("tr").querySelectorAll("span[id*=rubricaCONTACT]").forEach(function(el) { //append new inputs... htmls += `<div class="form-group"><label>${el.getAttribute("data-name").toUpperCase()}</label><input type="text" name="${el.getAttribute("data-name")}" class="form-control" value="${el.textContent}"> </div>` }) htmls += `<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>` document.getElementById("forms").innerHTML = htmls //add them inside form.. }
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <table class="table"> <tr> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTid_contact1' data-name="id">1</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTname1' data-name="name">abc</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTsurname1' data-name="surname">xyz</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel11' data-name="tel1">kokok</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel21' data-name="tel2">1345</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTmail1' data-name="email">abc@gmail.com</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTorganization1' data-name="org">somthinsghjk</span></td> <td> <button onclick='loadDATAtoCHANGE(this);'>edit</button></td> <td> <a href="DELETEcontact/removeCONTACT.php?id=1">&#9746;</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTid_contact2' data-name="id">2</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTname2' data-name="name">abc2</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTsurname2' data-name="surname">xyz2</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel12' data-name="tel1">kokok</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTtel22' data-name="tel2">1345</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTmail2' data-name="email">abc@gmail2.com</span></td> <td><span id='rubricaCONTACTorganization2' data-name="org">somthinsghjk</span></td> <td> <button onclick='loadDATAtoCHANGE(this);'>edit</button></td> <td> <a href="DELETEcontact/removeCONTACT.php?id=1">&#9746;</a></td> </tr> </table> <form id="forms"> <!--data will come here--> </form>

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