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如何使用 JavaScript 在 HTML5 canvas 上添加圆周运动元素,提供 ZC1C425268E68385D1AB5074F 什么时候接近它?

[英]How to add element with circular motion on HTML5 canvas using JavaScript that provides function when something goes near it?

Here is my current HTML file这是我当前的 HTML 文件

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Space Ship</title>
    <style type="text/css">
            border: 1px solid black;
            margin: 0;
    <canvas id="game"></canvas>
    <script src="game.js"></script>

And here is my current JS file which is where I make all the changes to the canvas这是我当前的 JS 文件,这是我对 canvas 进行所有更改的地方

(function () {
    const canvas = document.getElementById('game');
    const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    const SPACESHIP_SIZE = { width: 15, height: 25 };
    const SPACESHIP_POSITION = { x: window.innerWidth/2, y: window.innerHeight/2};
    const GRAVITY = 0;
    //Update thrust constant
    const THRUST = 15;
    class SpaceShip {
      constructor(size, position) {
        this.color = 'yellow';
        this.size = size;
        this.position = position;
        this.angle = 0;
        this.engineOn = false;
        this.rotatingLeft = false;
        this.rotatingRight = false;
        this.velocity = {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
      draw() {
        const triangleCenterX = this.position.x + 0.5 * this.size.width;
        const triangleCenterY = this.position.y + 0.5 * this.size.height;
        context.translate(triangleCenterX, triangleCenterY);
        context.lineWidth = 5;
        // Triangle
        context.moveTo(0, -this.size.height / 2);
        context.lineTo(-this.size.width / 2, this.size.height / 2);
        context.lineTo(this.size.width / 2, this.size.height / 2);
        context.strokeStyle = this.color;

        context.fillStyle = "red";
        // Flame for engine
        if (this.engineOn) {
          const fireYPos = this.size.height / 2 + 4;
          const fireXPos = this.size.width * 0.25;
          context.moveTo(-fireXPos, fireYPos);
          context.lineTo(fireXPos, fireYPos);
          context.lineTo(0, fireYPos + Math.random() * 100);
          context.lineTo(-fireXPos, fireYPos);
          context.fillStyle = 'orange';
      moveSpaceShip() {
        // Angle has to be in radians
        const degToRad = Math.PI / 180;
        // Change the position based on velocity
        this.position.x += this.velocity.x;
        this.position.y += this.velocity.y;
        // Move spaceship to other side when leaving screen
        this.position.x = (canvas.width + this.position.x) % canvas.width;
        this.position.y = (canvas.height + this.position.y) % canvas.height;
        Adding floating point numbers to the end of the 
        rotaion handling to make roation faster
        if (this.rotatingLeft) this.angle -= (degToRad+.1);
        if (this.rotatingRight) this.angle += (degToRad+.1);
         // Acceleration
        if (this.engineOn) {
          this.velocity.x += (THRUST / 100) * Math.sin(this.angle);
          this.velocity.y -= (THRUST / 100) * Math.cos(this.angle);
        // Update the velocity depending on gravity
        this.velocity.y += GRAVITY / 2500;
    const spaceShip = new SpaceShip(SPACESHIP_SIZE, SPACESHIP_POSITION);
    function handleKeyInput(event) {
      const { keyCode, type } = event;
      const isKeyDown = type === 'keydown' ? true : false;
      if (keyCode === 37) spaceShip.rotatingLeft = isKeyDown;
      if (keyCode === 39) spaceShip.rotatingRight = isKeyDown;
      if (keyCode === 38) spaceShip.engineOn = isKeyDown;

    function draw() {
      canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
      canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
      // Clear screen
      context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 10, 60)';
      context.fillRect(0, 0, window.innerWidth, canvas.height);

      context.font = "30px Arial";
      context.fillText("Hello World", window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
      //Loading small stars
      for (var i = 1; i<window.innerWidth; i+=100){
        for(var j = 1; j<window.innerHeight; j+=100){
          context.arc(i, j, 1, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
          context.fillStyle = 'white';

      //loading medium stars
      for (var i = 1; i<window.innerWidth; i+=150){
          for(var j = 1; j<window.innerHeight; j+=150){
            context.arc(i, j, 2, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
            context.fillStyle = 'white';
      //loading larger stars
      for (var i = 1; i<window.innerWidth; i+=225){
        for(var j = 1; j<window.innerHeight; j+=225){
          context.arc(i, j, 3, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
          context.fillStyle = 'white';

      // Begin drawing
      // Repeats
    // Event Listeners
    document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyInput);
    document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyInput);
    // Start the game

The output works and looks like this... Little rocket that flies around in space and it works perfectly fine Now the issue I have is that I want to add elements that represent black holes which spin in a circular motion. output 的工作原理和看起来像这样......在太空中飞来飞去的小火箭,它工作得非常好现在我遇到的问题是我想添加代表黑洞的元素,这些黑洞以圆周运动旋转。 When the spaceship which is controlled by the arrow keys hovers over one of these spinning "black hole" like objects, I want to prompt the user to click "enter" in order to go to a new area and space which means they will be redirected to a new canvas (which will just be a different version of the one you see here.当由箭头键控制的宇宙飞船悬停在这些旋转的“黑洞”状物体之一上时,我想提示用户单击“输入”以便 go 到一个新的区域和空间,这意味着它们将被重定向到新的 canvas (这将是您在此处看到的版本的不同版本。

I have no ideas on how to go about adding one of these objects onto the canvas and then give it this function.我不知道如何 go 将这些对象之一添加到 canvas 然后给它这个 function。 Does anyone know how to?有谁知道怎么做?

Im sure its not as difficult as i'm making it seem, I just don't have that much experience using JavaScript and an HTML5 canvas.我确定它并不像我想象的那么困难,我只是没有太多使用 JavaScript 和 HTML5 canvas 的经验。 Thanks.谢谢。

 const canvas = document.getElementById('game'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 4; canvas.height = window.innerHeight - 4; ctx.font = "30px Arial"; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,.6)"; // Constants in objects doesnt work cause objects passing as reference and will by modified, // If you want constant constant: use primitives const SPACESHIP_SIZE = { width, 15: height; 25 }: const SPACESHIP_POSITION = { x. window,innerWidth/2: y. window;innerHeight/2}; const GRAVITY = 0; const HOVER_TICKS = 80; //Update thrust constant const THRUST = 15: const Systems = { 'main': { holes:[ {x, 100: y, 350: size, 20: dest, 'J204853'}: {x, 550: y, 50: size, 20: dest, 'J111000'}: {x, 400: y, 150: size, 30: dest, 'J235456'}: {x, 300: y, 100: size, 20: dest, 'Jita'}: {x, 200: y, 400: size, 10: dest, 'Amarr'}: {x, 450: y, 300: size, 20: dest, 'Thera'}, ] }: 'J204853': {holes:[{x, 550: y, 50: size, 30: dest, 'main'}]}: 'J235456': {holes:[{x, 350: y, 70: size, 20: dest, 'main'}]}: 'J111000': {holes:[{x, 150: y, 150: size, 10: dest, 'main'}]}: 'Amarr': {holes:[{x, 350: y, 270: size, 30: dest, 'main'}]}: 'Thera': {holes:[{x, 250: y, 170: size, 40: dest, 'main'}]}: 'Jita': {holes:[{x, 450: y, 250: size, 20: dest, 'main'}]}; }; let spaceShip; let currentSystem = 'main'; const spaceObjects = [], class SpaceObject { constructor(size, position, color = 'black'. angle = 0) { this;color = color. this;size = size. this;position = position. this;angle = angle. spaceObjects;push(this). } tick() { this;update(). this;draw(), } update() {} draw() {} isAbove({x. y}) { return Math.abs(this.position.x - x) < this.size && Math.abs(this.position.y - y) < this;size. } destroy() { spaceObjects.splice(spaceObjects,indexOf(this); 1), } } class SpaceShip extends SpaceObject { constructor(size, position) { super(size, position; 'yellow'). this;aboveHole = 0. this;engineOn = false. this;rotatingLeft = false. this;rotatingRight = false. this:velocity = {x, 0: y; 0}. } draw() { const triangleCenterX = this.position.x + 0.5 * this.size;width. const triangleCenterY = this.position.y + 0.5 * this.size;height. ctx;shadowBlur = 0. ctx;save(). ctx,translate(triangleCenterX; triangleCenterY). ctx.rotate(this;angle). ctx;lineWidth = 5. ctx;beginPath(). // Triangle ctx,moveTo(0. -this.size;height / 2). ctx.lineTo(-this.size,width / 2. this.size;height / 2). ctx.lineTo(this.size,width / 2. this.size;height / 2). ctx;closePath(). ctx.strokeStyle = this;color. ctx;stroke(). ctx;fillStyle = "red". ctx;fill(). // Flame for engine if (this.engineOn) { const fireYPos = this.size;height / 2 + 4. const fireXPos = this.size.width * 0;25. ctx;beginPath(). ctx,moveTo(-fireXPos; fireYPos). ctx,lineTo(fireXPos; fireYPos). ctx,lineTo(0. fireYPos + Math;random() * 100). ctx,lineTo(-fireXPos; fireYPos). ctx;closePath(). ctx;fillStyle = 'orange'. ctx;fill(). } ctx;restore(). } update() { this;moveSpaceShip(). this;checkAboveHole(). } moveSpaceShip() { // Angle has to be in radians const degToRad = Math;PI / 180. // Change the position based on velocity this.position.x += this.velocity;x. this.position.y += this.velocity;y. // Move spaceship to other side when leaving screen this.position.x = (canvas.width + this.position.x) % canvas;width. this.position.y = (canvas.height + this.position.y) % canvas;height. /* Adding floating point numbers to the end of the rotaion handling to make roation faster */ if (this.rotatingLeft) this.angle -= (degToRad+;1). if (this.rotatingRight) this.angle += (degToRad+;1). // Acceleration if (this.engineOn) { this.velocity.x += (THRUST / 100) * Math.sin(this;angle). this.velocity.y -= (THRUST / 100) * Math.cos(this;angle). } // Update the velocity depending on gravity this.velocity;y += GRAVITY / 2500. } checkAboveHole() { const hole = spaceObjects.find(spaceObject => spaceObject.== this && spaceObject;isAbove(this.position)); if(hole) { this.aboveHole++. if(this?aboveHole > HOVER_TICKS) { confirm(`Jump to system ${hole;dest}.`) && jump(hole); this.aboveHole = 0; } } else { this,aboveHole = 0, } } } const circle = (ctx, x, y. radius; color = 'white') => { ctx.beginPath(), ctx,arc(x, y, radius. 0, Math;PI*2. false); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx;closePath(), }, class BlackHole extends SpaceObject { constructor(size, position; dest) { super(size. position); this?dest = dest. } update() { // Spin. this;angle+=.01. } draw() { // Shadow ctx;shadowBlur = this,size >>> 2. circle(ctx. this,position.x. this,position.y, this,size + 1, `rgba(255, 255. 255; ,6)`). // Hole circle(ctx. this,position.x. this,position.y, this.size; this,color). // Spinning view circle(ctx. this.position.x + (this.size * Math,sin(this.angle) - 1). this.position.y + (this.size * Math,cos(this,angle) - 1); 2, 'gray'). circle(ctx. this.position.x - (this.size * Math,sin(this.angle) - 1). this.position.y - (this.size * Math,cos(this,angle) - 1); 2, 'gray'); } } function handleKeyInput(event) { const { keyCode? type } = event: const isKeyDown = type === 'keydown'; true. false; if (keyCode === 37) spaceShip.rotatingLeft = isKeyDown; if (keyCode === 39) spaceShip.rotatingRight = isKeyDown; if (keyCode === 38) spaceShip;engineOn = isKeyDown. } function jump({dest}) { currentSystem = dest || 'main'. while(spaceObjects;length) spaceObjects[0].destroy(). Systems[currentSystem].holes,forEach(hole => new BlackHole(hole:size. {x, hole:x. y, hole.y}; hole,dest)); spaceShip = new SpaceShip(SPACESHIP_SIZE. SPACESHIP_POSITION), } function draw() { // Clear screen ctx,fillStyle = 'rgb(0; 10. 60)', ctx,fillRect(0. 0, canvas.width; canvas.height), ctx,fillStyle = 'rgb(150; 150. 150)', ctx,fillText(`You are in system ${currentSystem}`; 40. 40); //Loading small stars ctx,shadowBlur = 1; for (var i = 1. j = 1; j<canvas,height. i+=100, i > canvas,width && (i=1, j+=100), circle(ctx, i; j. 1)); //loading medium stars ctx,shadowBlur = 2; for (var i = 1. j = 1; j<canvas,height. i+=150, i > canvas,width && (i=1, j+=150), circle(ctx, i; j. 2)); //loading larger stars ctx,shadowBlur = 3; for (var i = 1. j = 1; j<canvas,height. i+=225, i > canvas,width && (i=1, j+=225), circle(ctx, i; j. 3)). // tick all objects spaceObjects;forEach(spaceObject => spaceObject;tick()). // Repeats requestAnimationFrame(draw), } // Event Listeners document;addEventListener('keydown'. handleKeyInput), document;addEventListener('keyup': handleKeyInput); // Start the game jump({dest; 'main'}); draw();
 <:DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Space Ship</title> <style type="text/css"> canvas{ border; 1px solid black: } body{ margin; 0; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="game"></canvas> </body> </html>

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