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为什么有些库使用非常量 char * 作为 function 参数?

[英]Why do some libs use non-const char * as function argument?

Sometimes using pure-C libs in my C++ projects, I see strange (in my opinion) function declarations.有时在我的 C++ 项目中使用纯 C 库,我看到奇怪的(在我看来)function 声明。

Eg: libldap's ldap_search_ext() : https://linux.die.net/man/3/ldap_search_ext_s例如:libldap 的ldap_search_ext()https://linux.die.net/man/3/ldap_search_ext_s

int ldap_search_ext(
       LDAP *ld,
       char *base,
       int scope,
       char *filter,
       char *attrs[], // this one!
       int attrsonly,
       LDAPControl **serverctrls,
       LDAPControl **clientctrls,
       struct timeval *timeout,
       int sizelimit,
       int *msgidp );

Why can't attrs[] be a const char * ?为什么 attrs[] 不能是const char *

Declarations like this don't want to change the content of the pointer and generate a lot of issues:像这样的声明不想改变指针的内容并产生很多问题:

// pure C
void func(char * data[])

func({"blabla"}); // won't work (corrected: yes, this is wrong syntax, but it's true for structs of pointers)

const char *d[] = {"blabla", "blablu"};
func(d); // won't work

// C++
const std::string str("blabla");
char * data[] = { str.data() }; // even non-const won't work (because data() returns const*)
/// etc...

Is there any reason for not declaring such arguments as const?有什么理由不将这样的 arguments 声明为 const 吗?

This is mostly just (due to) a historical wart in the C standard that has never been fixed.这主要只是(由于)C 标准中的一个历史缺陷,该标准从未得到修复。

When const was added to C, the ability to implictly (and safely) convert simple pointers was added -- you can implicitly convert a T * to a const T * just fine.const添加到 C 时,添加了隐式(并且安全地)转换简单指针的能力——您可以隐式地将T *转换为const T *就好了。 However, (safe) conversion of more complex pointer types was missed -- you can't convert a T * const * to a const T * const * .但是,错过了更复杂指针类型的(安全)转换——您不能将T * const *转换为const T * const * As a result, when a library takes a double pointer like this, it does not have any 'good' way of making it const if it is read only.结果,当一个库采用这样的双指针时,如果它是只读的,它就没有任何“好”的方法使它成为const Making it either a const char ** or a const char * const * would break some uses (requiring messy explicit casts).将其const char **const char * const *会破坏某些用途(需要混乱的显式强制转换)。

Note that allowing implicit conversions of T ** to const T ** would be unsafe -- such a pointer could be used to modify a T * to point at a const T * without a cast.请注意,允许将T **隐式转换为const T **是不安全的——这样的指针可用于修改T *以指向不强制转换的const T *

One likely reason is that string constants in C (unlike C++) are not const .一个可能的原因是 C(与 C++ 不同)中的字符串常量不是const

As such, there was a historical lack of const-correctness in many libraries that should have been there.因此,在许多本应存在的库中,历史上都缺乏 const 正确性。 Had string constants been const , programmers would have been forced to account for it.如果字符串常量是const ,程序员将不得不考虑它。

When dealing with libraries such as this that you know don't modify the argument, you have to apply a const_cast to make it fit.在处理诸如此类您知道不修改参数的库时,您必须应用const_cast以使其适合。

char *d[] = {const_cast<char *>("blabla"), const_cast<char *>("blablu")};

const std::string str("blabla");
char * data[] = { const_cast<char *>(str.data()) };

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