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在 Py4neo 中创建现有节点之间的关系

[英]create relationship between existing nodes in Py4neo

I have a list of gene names genes_list and a list of genes that target other genes (list of tuples) genes2 , I successfully connected to my local database and created the 20244 nodes labeled GEN with name property.我有一个基因名称列表genes_list和一个针对其他基因(元组列表) genes2的基因列表,我成功连接到我的本地数据库并创建了20244 个标记为具有name属性的GEN节点。 I am trying to generate a script that automates the creation of relationships for any pair of nodes(usin variables tupla[0]and tupla[1] ) in a Neo4j graph but I can't get the for loop to work for a list of tuples, any advice?我正在尝试生成一个脚本,该脚本可以自动为 Neo4j 图中的任何一对节点(使用变量tupla[0]and tupla[1] )创建关系,但我无法让 for 循环为以下列表工作元组,有什么建议吗? Im still learning how to use this library any advices would be great!我还在学习如何使用这个库,任何建议都会很棒! regards!问候!

from py2neo import Node,Relationship,Graph, database,NodeMatcher  
import time
import pandas as pd

for name in genes_list:

genes=pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\espin\OneDrive\Escritorio\MCI\SCRIPTS\dorothea_final.csv", delimiter="\t",header=None)

for tupla in genes2:
    existing_u1 = matcher.match("GEN").where(name=tupla[0]).first()
    existing_u2 = matcher.match("GEN").where(name=tupla[1).first()
    graph.merge(existing_u1,"REGULATES", existing_u2)

I figured out, For the people that want to try this implementation and is using py2neo V4, try using graph.run()我发现,对于想要尝试此实现并使用 py2neo V4 的人,请尝试使用 graph.run()

for tupla in genes2:
    graph.run("MATCH(a:GEN{name:$name}) MATCH(b:GEN{name:$name1}) CREATE (a)-[:REGULATES]->(b)",name=tupla[0],name1=tupla[1])

remember that the query has to be in the first argument and then you declare the $ variables separated by "," at less this works when you have already created the nodes and does not duplicate the existing ones.请记住,查询必须在第一个参数中,然后声明由“,”分隔的 $ variables ,这在您已经创建节点并且不复制现有节点时有效。

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