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如何在 react-admin 中为自定义路由提供道具?

[英]How to provide props to custom route in react-admin?

I'm using reac-admin, and want that after edit to redirect the user to custom route.我正在使用reac-admin,并希望在编辑后将用户重定向到自定义路由。

  <Edit {...props}>
        <TabbedForm redirect={redirect(`/XXX/${props.id}/YYY`)}  >

       {/* fileds */}

        </TabbedForm >

in the custom routes I have this route:在自定义路线中,我有这条路线:

    <Route exact path="/XXX/:id/YYY" render={(props) => <MyRoute {...props} />} />

My problem is how to pass props like in show?我的问题是如何像在节目中一样传递道具?

why when redirect to show: redirect="show" , the props which are passed are different than when redirect to a custom route?为什么重定向到 show: redirect="show"时,传递的道具与重定向到自定义路由时不同?

There are missed props which I need them like the id.有一些缺少的道具,我需要它们,比如 id。

What sholud I do to solve my problem?我应该做什么来解决我的问题?

Thank you!谢谢!

You have two ways to do that:你有两种方法可以做到这一点:

First option第一个选项

<Route exact path="/XXX/:id/YYY" render={() => <MyRoute />} />

And inside MyRoute:在 MyRoute 内部:

import { useParams } from 'react-router';

const MyRoute = () => {
    let { id } = useParams();
    // ...

Second option第二种选择

<Route exact path="/XXX/:id/YYY" render={(props) => <MyRoute id={props.match.params.id} />} />

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