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如何将 function 传递给较低的小部件

[英]How to pass a function to lower widget

child: DismissiblePage(
        direction: DismissDirection.down,
        onDismiss: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
        child: InstagramStorySwipe(
          initialPage: index,
          children: List.generate(
            (index) => ViewStoryScreen(
              // changePage: ,
              index: index,
              edges: snapshot.data.data.data.user.feedReelsTray

Here i have a method in InstagramStorySwipe which i need to call with the ViewStoryScreen在这里,我在 InstagramStorySwipe 中有一个方法,我需要使用 ViewStoryScreen 调用它

Edit: code also the whole thing is inside another class so i cant call InstagramSwipes method编辑:整个代码也在另一个 class 里面,所以我不能调用 InstagramSwipes 方法

Assuming the "method in InstagramStorySwipe" is called myMethod , you can add a parameter to the constructor of ViewStoryScreen like so:假设“InstagramStorySwipe 中的方法”被称为myMethod ,您可以像这样向ViewStoryScreen的构造函数添加一个参数:

class ViewStoryScreen extends StatelessWidget { // or StatefulWidget

  /// The method passed by the parent
  final void Function() myMethod; // Change the signature of the function depending on myMethod

  final String changePage;

  // ...

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