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如何在 spring 中测试 LDAP 安全配置?

[英]How to test LDAP security configuration in spring?

How can I write a test for an ldap security configuration in spring-boot ?如何为spring-boot中的ldap安全配置编写测试?

The authentication manager validates first that the user initials are present in ldap, and that the found user is memberOf any group set for the user filter.身份验证管理器首先验证用户姓名首字母是否存在于memberOf中,并且找到的用户是为用户过滤器设置的任何组的成员。

Question: How could I mock the ldap response at all?问题:我怎么能模拟 ldap 响应? Eg I want to return a user with memberOf=CN=Team-INVALID that should not be authentication in the scope of a test.例如,我想返回一个不应该在测试的 scope 中进行身份验证的memberOf=CN=Team-INVALID的用户。 And I want to return a user that matches the userSearchFilter of course.我当然想返回一个与userSearchFilter匹配的用户。

But which class do I have to mock for this test?但是我必须为这个测试模拟哪个 class ?

public class LdapSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
            .userSearchFilter("(&(initials={0})(|" +
                    "(memberOf=CN=TEAM-1,OU=Intern,DC=my-company)" +
                    "(memberOf=CN=TEAM-2,OU=Intern,DC=my-company)" +
            .url(ldapUrl + ldapBase)

You can define an embedded LDAP server with an LDIF file for your tests, like this:您可以使用 LDIF 文件为您的测试定义嵌入式 LDAP 服务器,如下所示:


And in your tests you can try to authenticate that specific user like you would do in a normal flow:在您的测试中,您可以尝试像在正常流程中那样对特定用户进行身份验证:

@TestPropertySource(properties = {
public class AuthenticatingLdapApplicationTests {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void loginWithValidUserThenAuthenticated() throws Exception {
        FormLoginRequestBuilder login = formLogin()


    public void loginWithInvalidUserThenUnauthenticated() throws Exception {
        FormLoginRequestBuilder login = formLogin()


I found this example in the Authenticating with LDAP Guide .我在Authenticating with LDAP Guide中找到了这个示例。 You can refer to it for more details您可以参考它以获取更多详细信息

Required dependency:所需依赖项:


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