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“值不能为 null。参数:source”将 UWP 应用程序上传到 Microsoft Store 时

[英]"Value cannout be null. Parameter: source" When upload UWP app to Microsoft Store

When attempting to upload my package to the Microsoft Store, I get the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source. Try again or upload a new package."尝试将我的 package 上传到 Microsoft Store 时,我收到错误消息“值不能为 null。参数名称:源。重试或上传新的 ZEFE90A8E604A7C840E88D03A67F6B7D8。”

I have no idea what this means.我不知道这是什么意思。 Can anyone help?任何人都可以帮忙吗?

The app in question was published via Visual Studio 2019 19.10.0, following the directions on the Microsoft Docs website.有问题的应用程序是按照 Microsoft Docs 网站上的说明通过 Visual Studio 2019 19.10.0 发布的。 The app passed the Windows App Certification tests.该应用程序通过了 Windows 应用程序认证测试。 I am currently using the latest version of Windows 10 (build 19043.98).我目前正在使用最新版本的 Windows 10(内部版本 19043.98)。 I am uploading the.msixupload file generated by Visual Studio.我正在上传 Visual Studio 生成的 .msixupload 文件。

It sounds like there is some property that I haven't defined, but I have no idea what it is or where it should be.听起来好像有一些属性我没有定义,但我不知道它是什么或它应该在哪里。

I managed to fix the error and want to post the solution for anyone else having this issue.我设法修复了该错误,并希望为遇到此问题的其他人发布解决方案。

If you are using a Windows Application Packaging Project to package your app, delete the "microsoft.windows.sdk.buildtools" package by right-clicking on the packaging project in the solution explorer and select NuGet packages. If you are using a Windows Application Packaging Project to package your app, delete the "microsoft.windows.sdk.buildtools" package by right-clicking on the packaging project in the solution explorer and select NuGet packages. From there, head to installed packages and delete "microsoft.windows.sdk.buildtools".从那里,前往已安装的软件包并删除“microsoft.windows.sdk.buildtools”。

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