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质量保证 | 在数据驱动测试中,直接在 StepDef 中检索 csv 数据行

[英]QAF | In Data driven testing, retrieving csv data row directly inside StepDef

In my setup using QAF Gerkin, I have an 80+ data column in the test data file which is very difficult to pass all the columns in steps using "<data_column>".在我使用 QAF Gerkin 的设置中,我在测试数据文件中有 80 多个数据列,很难使用“<data_column>”分步传递所有列。 I would like to retrieve all the column data directly in my StepDef according to data-driven iteration.我想根据数据驱动的迭代直接在我的 StepDef 中检索所有列数据。 I have tried using getBundle().getString("column_name"), but it is not working.我曾尝试使用 getBundle().getString("column_name"),但它不起作用。

Eg: Feature File:例如:功能文件:

 Scenario outline: UI-34_Customer Creation
    And I request api "get.sample.call" 
    And I assert api response status is "200" 
    And Test Data Retrive

    Examples: {"datafile": "data/scenarios/1622630669181.csv", "filter": '(_status==true) && (_id.equalsIgnoreCase("UI-34"))'}


QAFTestStep(description="Test Data Retrive")/**/
public void testDataRetrive(){

Note: I'm able to retrive the data, if I mention the column name directly in Step.注意:如果我在 Step 中直接提及列名,我可以检索数据。

Your step need to accept argument and value need to passed when called.您的步骤需要接受参数,并且在调用时需要传递值。 In order to pass record/entry from data-provider you can use args[0] reference as value.为了从数据提供者传递记录/条目,您可以使用args[0]引用作为值。

Refer example below:请参考以下示例:

@QAFTestStep(description="Test Data Retrive {testdata}")
public void testDataRetrive(Map<String, Object> data){

Scenario outline: UI-34_Customer Creation
    And I request api "get.sample.call" 
    And I assert api response status is "200" 
    And Test Data Retrive "${args[0]}"

    Examples: {"datafile": "data/scenarios/1622630669181.csv", "filter": '(_status==true) && (_id.equalsIgnoreCase("UI-34"))'}

Refer answer to similar question.参考类似问题的答案

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