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[英]How to use google sheets to transpose a set of cells that correspond to a specific input date?

I am trying to set up a calendar-type to-do list on google sheets.我正在尝试在谷歌表格上设置一个日历类型的待办事项列表。 I would like to be able to take a date from a certain cell on sheet 1, and use it to match up to a to-do list from another sheet (sheet 2) that corresponds with the same date that's at the top of the column, then transpose the data from sheet 2 onto sheet 1. Should I try to use a transpose function?我希望能够从工作表 1 上的某个单元格中获取日期,并使用它来匹配另一个工作表(工作表 2)中的待办事项列表,该工作表与列顶部的相同日期相对应,然后将表 2 中的数据转置到表 1。我应该尝试使用转置 function 吗? Hlookup?查找?

query function would work well: query function 会很好用:

=query(Sheet1:A,D,"select * where A = date '"&text(G1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' order by B,C,D ",1)


For ease, I've shown it on the same sheet.为方便起见,我在同一张纸上展示了它。

More about query :更多关于query

https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#language-clauses https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/querylanguage#language-clauses

Some alternatives:一些替代方案:

=query(transpose(Sheet1:1,4),"select * where Col1 = date '"&text(A7,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' order by Col2 ",1)


=transpose(query(transpose(Sheet1:1,4),"select * where Col1 = date '"&text(A7,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' order by Col2 ",1))


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