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使用 web 抓取、Jsoup 库、Java、Android Studio 从网站仅获取表的奇数行。 但是想要一个表的所有行

[英]Getting only odd rows of a table from website using web scraping, Jsoup library , Java, Android Studio. But want all rows of a table

HTML CODE of a website HTML 网站代码

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="tableborder" width="100%">
        <tr align="center" class="grideheader">
            <td width="5%" height="30">S.No.</td>
          <td width="10%">Date</td>
          <td width="70%">Title</td>
                <tr class="griderow1">
            <td align="center" height="30">
<td align="center" height="23">
                19 May 2021</td>
            <td align="left">
            <a href="https://jntuh.ac.in/uploads/calendars/RevisedAcademiccalendarBTechB.PharmII_IIIYear_II_Semester_MBA_MCA_II_Year_II_Semester_and_Pharm._D_(Regular)_II_III_IV_V_Year_and_Pharm.D(PB)IIYear.pdf" target="_blank">Revised Academic calendar -B. Tech.- B.Pharm. II & III Year - II Semester, MBA-MCA II Year II Semester and Pharm. D (Regular) II, III, IV, V Year and Pharm.D (PB) II Year<img src=https://jntuh.ac.in/images/new_icon_red.gif></a>         </td>
                <tr class="griderow2">
            <td align="center" height="30">
<td align="center" height="23">
                15 May 2021</td>
            <td align="left">
            <a href="https://jntuh.ac.in/uploads/bulletins/UG_PGProjects.pdf" target="_blank">Information Regarding UG/PG Projects - Regd<img src=https://jntuh.ac.in/images/new_icon_red.gif></a>          </td>
                <tr class="griderow1">
            <td align="center" height="30">
<td align="center" height="23">
                15 May 2021</td>
            <td align="left">
            <a href="https://jntuh.ac.in/uploads/bulletins/PharmDPhamD(PB)internships.pdf" target="_blank">Information Regarding Internship Details of  PharmD/PharmD(PB) - Reg<img src=https://jntuh.ac.in/images/new_icon_red.gif></a>            </td>
                <tr class="griderow2">
            <td align="center" height="30">
<td align="center" height="23">
                12 May 2021</td>
            <td align="left">
            <a href="https://jntuh.ac.in/uploads/bulletins/Circular1.pdf" target="_blank">JNTUH-Establishment-Imposing the lockdown by the Government of Telangana across the State to contain the spread of COVID-19 Virus-Regarding.<img src=https://jntuh.ac.in/images/new_icon_red.gif></a>         </td>

My Activity Code(in JAVA)我的活动代码(在 JAVA 中)

public class ActivityJNTUH_Bulletin extends AppCompatActivity {

private RecyclerView recyclerView;
private JNTUHBulletinAdapter jntuhBulletinAdapter;
private ArrayList<JNTUHBulletinModel> jntuhBulletinModels = new ArrayList<>();
private ProgressBar progressBar;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    progressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(R.id.jntuh_bulletin_progress_bar);
    recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.jntuh_bulletin_recycler_view);

    recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
    jntuhBulletinAdapter = new JNTUHBulletinAdapter(jntuhBulletinModels, this);

    Content content = new Content();

private class Content extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
    protected void onCancelled() {

    protected void onPreExecute() {

        progressBar.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ActivityJNTUH_Bulletin.this, android.R.anim.fade_in));


    protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
        progressBar.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ActivityJNTUH_Bulletin.this, android.R.anim.fade_out));

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {

        try {

            String url = "https://jntuh.ac.in/bulletins";
            Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();

            Element element = doc.select("table.tableborder").first();


            for (Element tr : element.select("tr.griderow1")) {

                  String date = tr


                    String bulletin = tr.select("td.griderow1")



                    jntuhBulletinModels.add(new JNTUHBulletinModel(date, bulletin));
                    Log.d("items", "date: " + date + "bulletin: " + bulletin);



        } catch (IOException e) {

        return null;

} }

I'm using web scraping for the first time and I think I'm not getting how to run the loop, in doInBackground().我第一次使用 web 抓取,我想我不知道如何在 doInBackground() 中运行循环。 And if I pass tr.griderow2 in select(), then I'm getting only even rows.如果我在 select() 中传递 tr.griderow2,那么我只会得到偶数行。 So I think there is either a logical error or I need one more loop for even rows.所以我认为要么存在逻辑错误,要么我需要一个偶数行的循环。 Thank you in advance for the answer.预先感谢您的回答。

Change In For Loop更改 For 循环

for (Element tr : element.select("tr[class^=griderow]")) {

                    String date = tr


                    String bulletin = tr



                    jntuhBulletinModels.add(new JNTUHBulletinModel(date, bulletin));
                    Log.d("items", "date: " + date + "bulletin: " + bulletin);


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