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[英]String argument after parameter pack

I want to write a function write that can take multiple arguments of any type, and print them to stdout .我想写一个 function write可以采用多个 arguments 任何类型,并将它们打印到stdout But I also want to pass in a delimiter as the last argument as well.但我也想传入一个分隔符作为最后一个参数。

template <typename... T>
void write(T &&...args, string delimiter) { // compilation error
    ((cout << args << delimiter),...);


write(1, ""); // single element with empty delimeter
write(1, "one", " "); // space as delimeter
write(1, "one", ","); // comma as delimeter 

Right now, automatic type deduction fails since C++ expects parameter packs to be the last argument.现在,自动类型推断失败,因为 C++ 期望参数包是最后一个参数。

How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

There's a nice technique in this blog article which you can use.这篇博客文章中有一个很好的技术可供您使用。

Modify write to only accept a parameter pack修改write只接受一个参数包

template <typename... Ts>
void write(Ts && ...args) 
                   std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(args) - 1>{});

Now write_indirect simply takes the parameter pack as a tuple, along with the indices of the arguments as template parameters.现在write_indirect简单地将参数包作为一个元组,连同 arguments 的索引作为模板参数。 Then it extracts the last parameter using get , and passes that as the first parameter to write_impl .然后它使用get提取最后一个参数,并将其作为第一个参数传递给write_impl The remaining parameters are unpacked from the tuple, and passed as the second argument其余参数从元组中解包,并作为第二个参数传递

template<typename... Ts, size_t... Is>
void write_indirect(std::tuple<Ts...> args, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
    auto constexpr Last = sizeof...(Ts) - 1;
    write_impl(std::get<Last>(args), std::get<Is>(args)...);

Now write_impl is just your original write function but it takes the delimiter as the first argument现在write_impl只是你原来的write function 但它需要分隔符作为第一个参数

template <typename... Ts>
void write_impl(std::string delimiter, Ts && ...args) 
    ((std::cout << args << delimiter),...);

Here's a demo这是一个演示

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