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点击后如何不在选定的 state 中留下按钮 - fluent-ui(office ui fabric)

[英]How to not leave button in selected state after click - fluent-ui (office ui fabric)

Using DefaultButton currently.当前使用DefaultButton This remains selected when clicked, which property can be used to revoke selection once clicked.单击时保持选中状态,单击后可以使用哪个属性撤消选择。

Alternatively, is there any styling that needs to be done for selection?或者,是否需要进行任何样式选择?

You can use DefaultButton checked property for that scenario and control it with onClick event:您可以为该场景使用DefaultButton checked属性并使用onClick事件控制它:

const [isButtonChecked, setIsButtonChecked] = React.useState(false);

  onClick={() => {
    rootChecked: {
      backgroundColor: '#f00',
      color: '#fff',
  Default Button

Use styles property to modify button styles when button state is checked: rootChecked, rootCheckedHovered etc.选中按钮 state 时,使用styles属性修改按钮 styles: rootChecked、rootCheckedHovered 等。

Codepen example.代码笔示例。

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