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以相反的顺序替换列表项并跳过所有其他项目 python

[英]replacing list items in reverse order and skipping every other item python

I am making a program to check whether a card number is potentially valid using the Luhn algorithm.我正在制作一个程序来使用 Luhn 算法检查卡号是否可能有效。

num = "79927398713" #example num

digits = [int(x) for x in num]

reverse = digits[1:][::2][::-1] #step 1: start from rightmost digit, skip first, skip every other
count = 0
digitsum = 0
print(reverse) #output here is: [1, 8, 3, 2, 9]

for x in (reverse):
    reverse[count] *= 2
    if reverse[count] > 9:
        for x in str(reverse[count]):  #multiply each digit in step 1 by 2, if > 9, add digits to make single-digit number
            digitsum += int(x)
        reverse[count] = digitsum
    count += 1
    digitsum = 0
count = 0
print(reverse) #output here is [2, 7, 6, 4, 9]

basically, I want to input [2, 7, 6, 4, 9] back into the corresponding places in the list digits .基本上,我想将 [2, 7, 6, 4, 9] 输入回列表中的相应位置digits It would look like this (changed numbers in asterisks)它看起来像这样(星号中的数字已更改)

[7, **9**, 9, **4**, 7, **6**, 9, **7**, 7, **2**, 3]

the problem is, I would have to read digits backwards, skipping the first (technically last) element, and skipping every other element from there, replacing the values each time.问题是,我必须向后读取digits ,跳过第一个(技术上是最后一个)元素,然后从那里跳过所有其他元素,每次都替换这些值。

Am I going about this the wrong way/making it too hard on myself?我是不是走错了路/让自己太难了? Or is there a way to index backwards, skipping the first (technically last) element, and skipping every other element?或者有没有办法向后索引,跳过第一个(技术上最后一个)元素,并跳过所有其他元素?

You can do this with simple indexing您可以通过简单的索引来做到这一点

Once you have the variable reverse , you can index on the left hand side:一旦有了变量reverse ,您就可以在左侧索引:

# reversed is [2, 7, 6, 4, 9] here
digits[1::2] = reversed(reverse) # will place 9,4,6,7,2 in your example

Note, you can use this trick too for your line where you initialize reverse请注意,您也可以在初始化反向的行中使用此技巧

reverse = digits[1::2][::-1]

I think you could even use:我认为你甚至可以使用:

reverse = digits[-1 - len(digits) % 2::-2]

which should be even more efficient这应该更有效


Running timeit , the last solution of digits[-1 - len(digits) % 2::-2] on an array of size 10,000 was 3.6 times faster than the original, I'd highly suggest using this运行timeit ,在大小为 10,000 的数组上的最后一个解决方案digits[-1 - len(digits) % 2::-2]比原始解决方案快 3.6 倍,我强烈建议使用它

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