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我无法使用 Android 的 PdfDocument 创建两页 pdf

[英]I am not able to create two pages of pdf using PdfDocument of Android

Devs.开发者。 I am using PdfDocument to try to save the text as a pdf file: So I wrote this code :我正在使用 PdfDocument 尝试将文本保存为 pdf 文件:所以我编写了以下代码:

 public void Convert(String text, String fileName){
    PdfDocument myPdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
    PdfDocument.PageInfo myPageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(this.pageWidth,this.pageHeight,this.pageNumber).create();
    PdfDocument.Page myPage = myPdfDocument.startPage(myPageInfo);

    Paint myPaint = new Paint();
    Paint backPaint = new Paint();

    //To find size of screen so that line is perfectly fit
    DisplayMetrics dm = this.context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    int widthOfScreen = dm.widthPixels;
    int periodForSplittingText = widthOfScreen / Math.round(this.textSize);

    // To make line split in width of the screen here;
    String insert = "\n";
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(
     text.length() + insert.length() * (text.length()/periodForSplittingText)+1);

    int index = 0;
    String prefix = "";
    while (index < text.length()){
        prefix = insert;
        builder.append(text.substring(index, Math.min(index + periodForSplittingText, text.length())));
        index += periodForSplittingText;

    String myString = builder.toString();

    for (String line:myString.split("\n")){
        myPage.getCanvas().drawText(line, this.x, this.y, myPaint);

// Started another page 
myPage.getCanvas().drawText("Second Page Text", 14, 25, myPaint);

    String myFilePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + this.filePath + "/" + fileName;
    File myFile = new File (myFilePath);
    try {
        myPdfDocument.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(myFile));

    } catch (Exception e) {

But if I entered the long text then it is not able to create it on two pages.但是,如果我输入了长文本,则无法在两页上创建它。 According to Android Developer's根据 Android 开发者的

This class enables generating a PDF document from native Android content.此 class 允许从原生 Android 内容生成 PDF 文档。 You create a new document and then for every page you want to add you start a page, write content to the page, and finish the page.您创建一个新文档,然后为要添加的每个页面开始一个页面,将内容写入页面,然后完成页面。 After you are done with all pages, you write the document to an output stream and close the document.完成所有页面后,将文档写入 output stream 并关闭文档。 After a document is closed you should not use it anymore.文档关闭后,您不应再使用它。 Note that pages are created one by one, ie you can have only a single page to which you are writing at any given time.请注意,页面是一页一页地创建的,也就是说,在任何给定时间,您只能拥有一个要写入的页面。 This class is not thread-safe.这个 class 不是线程安全的。

But I am not understanding what does it mean?但我不明白这是什么意思? How can I solve this?我该如何解决这个问题? Help帮助

Edit: Now adding this编辑:现在添加这个

// Started another page 
myPage.getCanvas().drawText("Second Page Text", 14, 25, myPaint);

results this error: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.graphics.Canvas.drawText(java.lang.String, float, float, android.graphics.Paint)' on a null object reference results this error: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.graphics.Canvas.drawText(java.lang.String, float, float, android.graphics.Paint)' on a null object reference

When you start a new page you are not assigning it to a variable当您开始一个新页面时,您没有将其分配给变量

Change to改成

// Started another page 
myPage = myPdfDocument.startPage(myPageInfo);


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