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如何在不使用 Azure 服务的情况下将 Whatsapp 与 Power 虚拟代理集成?

[英]How to integrate Whatsapp with Power virtual agent without using Azure service?

When I tried creating a WhatsApp channel through Microsoft power virtual agent, they have provided BotID and Tenant ID and a documentation which is redirecting to the azure bot service.当我尝试通过 Microsoft 电源虚拟代理创建 WhatsApp 频道时,他们提供了 BotID 和租户 ID 以及重定向到 azure 机器人服务的文档 Is there any way to use Power Virtual Agent or Power Automate w/o using Azure bot service?有没有使用 Azure 机器人服务的 Power Virtual Agent 或 Power Automate 的方法?

If we have to use a bot service is the only way to use NodeJS as in the Doc and Github code in C#.如果我们必须使用机器人服务是使用 NodeJS 的唯一方法,如 Doc 和 C# 中的 Doc 和 Github 代码。


Unfortunately, Power virtual agents don't provide a way to natively integrate with WhatsApp and you need to follow the steps mentioned in the documentation.不幸的是,Power 虚拟代理不提供与 WhatsApp 本地集成的方法,您需要按照文档中提到的步骤进行操作。

You should be able to use the language of your choice for which BotFramework has an SDK: https://github.com/microsoft/botframework-sdk您应该能够使用 BotFramework 具有 SDK 的您选择的语言: https://github.com/microsoft/botframework-sdk

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