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“bash -c 命令参数”末尾的参数的目的是什么?

[英]What's the purpose of the argument at the end of "bash -c command argument"?

From man bash :man bash

If the -c option is present, then commands are read from
the first non-option argument command_string.  If there
are arguments after the command_string, the first argument
is  assigned  to $0 and any remaining arguments are assigned
to the positional parameters. The assignment to $0 sets the
name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.

I don't understand the purpose of the $0 assignment.我不明白$0分配的目的。

I was exploring ways to pass arguments to multiple commands with xargs.我正在探索使用 xargs 将 arguments 传递给多个命令的方法。 The following solution works just fine (inspired from here ), but I fail to understand why an argument is needed at the end:以下解决方案工作得很好(灵感来自这里),但我不明白为什么最后需要一个参数:

[ Edit: following chepner's answer , the argument doesn't need to be empty, it can be anything indeed, but it has to exist ]. [编辑:按照chepner的回答,参数不需要为空,它确实可以是任何东西,但它必须存在]。

$ cat test

$ cat test | xargs -n 1 /bin/bash -c 'echo "1-$@"; echo "2-$@";' 'dummyArgument'

Obviously the 'dummyArgument' is necessary for bash -c to be able to interpret $@ , (it can even be empty '' ) because without it I get the following result:显然, 'dummyArgument'bash -c能够解释$@所必需的,(它甚至可以是空'' )因为没有它我得到以下结果:

$ cat test | xargs -n 1 /bin/bash -c 'echo "1-$@"; echo "2-$@";'

But how does it work?但它是如何工作的? Why do I need that 'dummyArgument' ?为什么我需要那个'dummyArgument'

It doesn't have to be empty quotes (which is how you provide an empty string as a concrete value).它不必是空引号(这是您提供空字符串作为具体值的方式)。 It can be any value, if you don't actually care about the value of $0 in your command.如果您实际上并不关心命令中$0的值,它可以是任何值。 If you do care, then you would provide the value you want instead of an empty string.如果您确实关心,那么您将提供所需的值而不是空字符串。

But whatever the first argument is, it will be used to set $0 .但无论第一个参数是什么,它将用于设置$0 There is no option to leave $0 unset and apply the arguments to $1 et al intead.没有选项可以不设置$0并将 arguments 应用于$1等。

Other common "dummy" values are _ , sh , and bash .其他常见的“虚拟”值是_shbash

An easy way to see the difference between an empty argument and no argument is to use the set command, then look at the value of $# .查看空参数和无参数之间区别的一种简单方法是使用set命令,然后查看$#的值。 First, no positional arguments:一、无位置arguments:

$ set --
$ echo "$#"

Now, a single empty argument现在,一个空参数

$ set -- ''
$ echo "$#"

I don't understand the purpose of the $0 assignment.我不明白$0分配的目的。

Its purpose is to let you give your inline script a name, potentially for decorating diagnostic messages.它的目的是让你给你的内联脚本一个名字,可能是为了装饰诊断消息。 There is nothing interesting about it.没有什么有趣的。

$ cat foo.sh
echo my name is $0
$ bash foo.sh a b c
my name is foo.sh
$ bash -c 'echo my name is $0' foo a b c
my name is foo

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