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Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3 是否与 Spring Boot 2.3.11 兼容?

[英]Does Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3 compatible with Spring Boot 2.3.11?

I would like to know Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3 is compatible with Spring Boot 2.3.11 ?我想知道Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3是否与Spring Boot 2.3.11兼容?

The Spring Cloud project page contains a version compatibility table. Spring 云项目页面包含版本兼容性表。 Spring Cloud Hoxton is compatible with Spring Boot 2.2.x and, as of SR5, Spring Boot 2.3.x. Spring Cloud Hoxton 与 Spring Boot 2.2.x 兼容,从 SR5 开始,Spring Boot 2.3.x 兼容。 In short, Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3 is not compatible with Spring Boot 2.3.11.总之,Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR3不兼容Spring Boot 2.3.11。


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