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[英]Who bought the biggest amount of a product in one order

I have 2 tables我有 2 张桌子


Get the first and last names of the customers who bought the biggest amount of a product in one order.获取在一个订单中购买最多产品的客户的名字和姓氏。

The orders without customer should not be considered.不考虑没有客户的订单。 Please sort by FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME请按 FIRSTNAME 和 LASTNAME 排序

Select firstname, lastname, amount
from customers
left Join orders on customers.id = orders.id_customer
group by firstname,lastname
having max(amount);

What am I missing?我错过了什么? Thanks谢谢

There are many ways to skin this cat.有很多方法可以给这只猫剥皮。 This is one possibility:这是一种可能性:

select distinct c.firstname,c.lastname,o.amount 
from customers  c
     left join orders o on o.customer_id = c.id
where o.amount = (select max(amount)
                  from orders

There may be more than one row returned if multiple customers share the maximum order amount如果多个客户共享最大订单金额,则可能会返回多行

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