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错误:MercadoPago.js - 找不到提供的 id 的 HTML 元素:MPHiddenInputPaymentMethod

[英]Error: MercadoPago.js - Could not find HTML element for provided id: MPHiddenInputPaymentMethod

I have an Nuxt desktop app here, am i am facing this problem with MERCADO PAGO API.我这里有一个 Nuxt 桌面应用程序,我是否正面临 MERCADO PAGO API 的这个问题。

This is part of the Mercado documentation: https://www.mercadopago.com.br/developers/pt/guides/online-payments/checkout-api/v2/testing这是 Mercado 文档的一部分: https://www.mercadopago.com.br/developers/pt/guides/online-payments/checkout-api/v2/testing

The problem is:问题是: 在此处输入图像描述

I make use of the index.vue that makes use of the default form from the documentation itself:我使用了 index.vue,它使用了文档本身的默认形式:

  <div >
   <form id="form-checkout" >
   <input type="text" name="cardNumber" id="form-checkout__cardNumber" />
   <input type="text" name="cardExpirationMonth" id="form-checkout__cardExpirationMonth" />
   <input type="text" name="cardExpirationYear" id="form-checkout__cardExpirationYear" />
   <input type="text" name="cardholderName" id="form-checkout__cardholderName"/>
   <input type="email" name="cardholderEmail" id="form-checkout__cardholderEmail"/>
   <input type="text" name="securityCode" id="form-checkout__securityCode" />
   <select name="issuer" id="form-checkout__issuer"></select>
   <select name="identificationType" id="form-checkout__identificationType"></select>
   <input type="text" name="identificationNumber" id="form-checkout__identificationNumber"/>
   <select name="installments" id="form-checkout__installments"></select>
   <button type="submit" id="form-checkout__submit">Pagar</button>
   <progress value="0" class="progress-bar">Carregando...</progress>


export default{
script: [
      { src: 'https://sdk.mercadopago.com/js/v2' },
      {src: "/js/index.js", },

and the "/js/index.js file in static folder:和 static 文件夹中的“/js/index.js 文件:

//i know the YOU_PUBLIC_KEY must be from the Mercado Pago account, i have one already
  const mp =  new MercadoPago('YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY', {
    locale: 'pt-BR',
  const cardForm = mp.cardForm({
    amount: '100.5',
    autoMount: true,
    processingMode: 'aggregator',
    form: {
      id: 'form-checkout',
      cardholderName: {
        id: 'form-checkout__cardholderName',
        placeholder: 'Cardholder name',
      cardholderEmail: {
        id: 'form-checkout__cardholderEmail',
        placeholder: 'Email',
      cardNumber: {
        id: 'form-checkout__cardNumber',
        placeholder: 'Card number',
      cardExpirationMonth: {
        id: 'form-checkout__cardExpirationMonth',
        placeholder: 'MM'
      cardExpirationYear: {
        id: 'form-checkout__cardExpirationYear',
        placeholder: 'YYYY'
      securityCode: {
        id: 'form-checkout__securityCode',
        placeholder: 'CVV',
      installments: {
        id: 'form-checkout__installments',
        placeholder: 'Total installments'
      identificationType: {
        id: 'form-checkout__identificationType',
        placeholder: 'Document type'
      identificationNumber: {
        id: 'form-checkout__identificationNumber',
        placeholder: 'Document number'
      issuer: {
        id: 'form-checkout__issuer',
        placeholder: 'Issuer'
    callbacks: {
      onFormMounted: error => {
        if (error) return console.warn('Form Mounted handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Form mounted')
      onFormUnmounted: error => {
        if (error) return console.warn('Form Unmounted handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Form unmounted')
      onIdentificationTypesReceived: (error, identificationTypes) => {
        if (error) return console.warn('identificationTypes handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Identification types available: ', identificationTypes)
      onPaymentMethodsReceived: (error, paymentMethods) => {
        if (error) return console.warn('paymentMethods handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Payment Methods available: ', paymentMethods)
      onIssuersReceived: (error, issuers) => {
        if (error) return console.warn('issuers handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Issuers available: ', issuers)
      onInstallmentsReceived: (error, installments) => {
        if (error) return console.warn('installments handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Installments available: ', installments)
      onCardTokenReceived: (error, token) => {
        if (error) return console.warn('Token handling error: ', error)
        console.log('Token available: ', token)
      onSubmit: (event) => {
        const cardData = cardForm.getCardFormData();
        console.log('CardForm data available: ', cardData)
      onFetching: (resource) => {
        console.log('Fetching resource: ', resource)

        // Animate progress bar
        const progressBar = document.querySelector('.progress-bar')

        return () => {
          progressBar.setAttribute('value', '0')

Anyone can help me with this?任何人都可以帮助我吗? And is facing more problems with the MERCADO PAGO's API? MERCADO PAGO 的 API 是否面临更多问题?

Thanks for the atention!感谢您的关注!

Use iframe to render custom vanilla HTML/CSS/JS.使用 iframe 呈现自定义香草 HTML/CSS/JS。

I'm using vue/quasar2 and my workaround was using an Iframe to render a custom page which can use this lib, you can see the directory structure here.我正在使用 vue/quasar2,我的解决方法是使用 Iframe 来呈现可以使用此库的自定义页面,您可以在此处查看目录结构。

I created a page to and use an iframe tag to render the custom page:我创建了一个页面并使用 iframe 标签来呈现自定义页面:

  <q-page class="flex flex-center">
    <iframe width="100%" height="545vh" style="border: none;" :src='`static_site/index.html?obj=${JSON.stringify(getQueryParameters())}`'/>

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'PageIndex',

  setup () {

    function getQueryParameters () {
      return {
        name: "name",
        email: "name@gmail.com",
        valor: "20"

    return {

I'm using the query parameters ( obj ) in the iframe src to pass down information from vue to the lib.我在 iframe src 中使用查询参数 ( obj )将信息从 vue 传递到 lib。 In the callbacks section of the cardForm function, I used the URLSearchParams object to catch the information I sended, you can see it here .在 cardForm function 的回调部分,我使用了URLSearchParams object 来捕获我发送的信息,你可以在这里看到。

OBS: I just found this workaround yesterday and haven't tested in production yet, but in dev it's working fine, will test soon in production and update this answer, hope it's useful to you. OBS:我昨天才发现这个解决方法,还没有在生产中测试,但在开发中它工作正常,很快就会在生产中测试并更新这个答案,希望它对你有用。

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