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如何反转Apache Echarts中tooltip的顺序?

[英]How to reverse the order of tooltip in Apache Echarts?

I'm using Apache Ecahrt in my Vue project, while the order of tooltip is reverse to the data shown in the chart, the data displayed in red supposed to be at the top rather than the bottom in the tooltip:我在我的Vue项目中使用Apache Ecahrt,而工具提示的顺序与图表中显示的数据相反,红色显示的数据应该在工具提示的顶部而不是底部:


Anyone can help me with this?任何人都可以帮助我吗?

Starting v5 of echarts, you can pass order option to tooltip object to change the ordering of tooltip items.从 echarts v5 开始,您可以将order选项传递给tooltip object 以更改 tooltip 项的顺序。

order accepts these values: seriesAsc, seriesDesc, valueAsc, valueDesc. order接受这些值:seriesAsc、seriesDesc、valueAsc、valueDesc。 Read more here在这里阅读更多

In your case set order: seriesDesc to reverse the order.在您的情况下,设置order: seriesDesc以反转顺序。

option = {
    tooltip: {
        trigger: 'axis',
        axisPointer: {            
            type: 'shadow'        
    // rest of the options

Murli Prajapati's solution can easily reverse the order of tooltip if you are using Apache Echart version 5.0 and above.如果您使用的是 Apache Echart 5.0 及以上版本,Murli Prajapati 的解决方案可以轻松反转工具提示的顺序。 Here's the complementary solution for people using a version lower than 5.0.这是使用低于 5.0 版本的人的补充解决方案。

To custom the order of the tooltip, you can pass the formatter option to tooltip object, which supports string template and callback function.要自定义工具提示的顺序,可以将formatter选项传递给tooltip object,它支持字符串模板和回调 function。 Read more here . 在这里阅读更多

In this case, to reverse the order of tooltip you can:在这种情况下,要反转tooltip的顺序,您可以:

      formatter: function (params) {
        var res = '';
        for (let i = (params.length-1); i >= 0; i--) {
          var data = '<p>' + params[i].name + '</p>';
          res += '<p class="padding:15px 0;">' + params[i].marker + params[i].seriesName + '<span style="font-weight:900;float:right;padding-left:15px;">' + params[i].value + '</span>' + '</p>';
        return data + res;
    //rest of the options

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