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ImageMagick Mac/Linux 版本之间的行为不一致。 Linux 上的 CMYK 文件损坏

[英]ImageMagick inconsistent behaviour between Mac/Linux build. CMYK files corrupted on Linux

I am bulk converting PDF's to TIFF images.我正在将 PDF 批量转换为 TIFF 图像。

bash scripts are written on and tested on a Mac, then pushed to a Ubuntu box for production runs. bash 脚本在 Mac 上编写和测试,然后推送到 Ubuntu 盒子进行生产运行。 (it has better spec) (它有更好的规格)

Strangely, some pages (1 in 100 or so) exported images are corrupted.奇怪的是,某些页面(大约 100 个页面中的 1 个)导出的图像已损坏。 after multiple runs, image corruption happens on the same pages, suggesting this is not a random runtime error.多次运行后,同一页面上发生图像损坏,这表明这不是随机运行时错误。

Pages are exported from Adobe InDesign CC2020 using the same PDF/X4 profile.使用相同的 PDF/X4 配置文件从 Adobe InDesign CC2020 导出页面。 All follows similar composition of text with styles, placed over monochrome images.所有都遵循与 styles 类似的文本组合,放置在单色图像上。

Left: Correct / Right: Corrupted左:正确/右:损坏


Just for completeness, I tried im6 (ubuntu20.4 default) convert command, but resulted with the same result.为了完整起见,我尝试了 im6 (ubuntu20.4 默认) convert 命令,但结果相同。

This is the options I run my batch (via GNU Parallel).这是我运行批处理的选项(通过 GNU Parallel)。 Is there something wrong I may be doing, in my script?在我的脚本中,我可能做错了什么吗?

    convert \
        -verbose \
        -alpha off \
        -colorspace Gray \
        -contrast-stretch 0 \
        -depth 8 \
        -compress zip \
        -units PixelsPerInch \
        -density 1200  \
        ${1} \

From searching I found that there may be issues between im6 and im7 and how they handle colour profiles, but they are version matched as below:通过搜索我发现im6和im7之间以及它们如何处理颜色配置文件之间可能存在问题,但它们的版本匹配如下:

versions as shown by magick --version :magick --version所示的版本:

Mac (homebrew):
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.11-14 Q16 x86_64 2021-05-31 https://imagemagick.org
Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC
License: https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(5.0)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib fontconfig freetype gslib heic jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr png ps tiff webp xml zlib

Ubuntu20.04 (v7 installed with https://github.com/SoftCreatR/imei/ )
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.11-14 Q32 x86_64 2021-05-17 https://imagemagick.org
Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC
License: https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(4.5)
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype gslib gvc heic jbig jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zip zlib

And here are identify command result from PDF files:以下是 PDF 文件中的识别命令结果:

identify result: PDF file with export problems识别结果:PDF 文件存在导出问题

  Filename: 05.pdf
  Format: PDF (Portable Document Format)
  Mime type: application/pdf
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 380x533+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 5.27778x7.40278
  Units: Undefined
  Colorspace: CMYK
  Type: ColorSeparation
  Endianness: Undefined
  Depth: 16/8-bit
  Channel depth:
    Cyan: 1-bit
    Magenta: 1-bit
    Yellow: 1-bit
    Black: 8-bit

identify result: PDF file without problems:识别结果:PDF文件没有问题:

  Filename: 06.pdf
  Format: PDF (Portable Document Format)
  Mime type: application/pdf
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 380x533+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 5.27778x7.40278
  Units: Undefined
  Colorspace: sRGB
  Type: PaletteAlpha
  Base type: Undefined
  Endianness: Undefined
  Depth: 16/8-bit
  Channel depth:
    Red: 8-bit
    Green: 8-bit
    Blue: 8-bit
    Alpha: 8-bit

I noticed that I seem to have problems with files in CMYK colourspace and not sRGB.我注意到我似乎对 CMYK 色彩空间中的文件而不是 sRGB 有问题。

However, that to me does not explain why it works on a Mac, but not on Ubuntu.但是,对我来说,这并不能解释为什么它可以在 Mac 上工作,但不能在 Ubuntu 上工作。

Perhaps Ubuntu build, contain CMYK library different to Mac build?也许 Ubuntu 构建,包含不同于 Mac 构建的 CMYK 库? Is there a way to confirm my suspicion?有没有办法证实我的怀疑?

I may have arrived at a work around.我可能已经解决了。

the issue seemed to arise from this part:问题似乎来自这部分:

  Channel depth:
    Cyan: 1-bit
    Magenta: 1-bit
    Yellow: 1-bit
    Black: 8-bit

Original image is for print in monochrome.原始图像用于单色打印。 Such that all channels of CMY except K contains no data, stored as bit depth of 1.这样 CMY 的除 K 外的所有通道都不包含数据,存储为位深度为 1。

Still not yet clear why it works on a Mac, but here's a version that works on Linux build too:仍然不清楚为什么它可以在 Mac 上运行,但这里有一个版本也适用于 Linux 版本:

    convert \
        -verbose \
        -alpha off \
        -colorspace CMYK \
        -contrast-stretch 0 \
        -depth 8 \
        -channel black -negate -separate \
        -compress zip \
        -units PixelsPerInch \
        -density 1200  \
        ${1} \

The key was to render in CMYK first, as original PDFs are intended for.关键是首先以 CMYK 进行渲染,因为原始 PDF 是用于此目的的。

Then strip CMY channels, to create a pure Grayscale image.然后剥离 CMY 通道,创建纯灰度图像。 (note K channels need to be negated) (注意K通道需要取反)

Snippet above works consistently for both Mac/Linux.上面的代码片段对 Mac/Linux 都有效。

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