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[英]Not able to add row wise data in column form

EmpID (Primary Key)  Sale Items   Paid                   
ABC                     chair      Yes                      
WXY                     chair      Under Review             
PER                    Laptop      Yes
ABC                     Chair     Yes                        

Now i want to create another table where i want to insert data Like below现在我想创建另一个表,我想在其中插入数据,如下所示

Emp ID           Chair        Laptop 
ABC               2            0
WXY               1            0

My query to insert is我要插入的查询是

Select Emp Id from EMP,count(sales_item) as chair where Sales_Item = 'chair' 

it is working now how to add Laptop (3rd Column ).现在正在工作如何添加笔记本电脑(第 3 列)。 can you please suggest你能建议吗

You would use conditional aggregation:您将使用条件聚合:

Select EmpId,
       sum(case when sales_item = 'chair' then 1 else 0 end) as chairs,
       sum(case when sales_item = 'laptop' then 1 else 0 end) as laptops
from EMP
group by EmpId;

There is no reason to store this in a separate table.没有理由将其存储在单独的表中。 If you like, you can create a view.如果你喜欢,你可以创建一个视图。 Then when you access the view, you know the data is up-to-date.然后,当您访问视图时,您就知道数据是最新的。

You could use pivot for the expected result:您可以使用 pivot 获得预期结果:

EmpID varchar(3)
,SaleItems varchar(10)
,Paid varchar(20)

('ABC', 'chair', 'Yes')
,('WXY', 'chair', 'Under Review')
,('PER', 'Laptop', 'Yes')
,('ABC', 'Chair', 'Yes')

SELECT piv.EmpID,  ISNULL(piv.chair, 0) AS chair, ISNULL(piv.Laptop, 0) AS Laptop
  SELECT EmpID, SaleItems, 1 cnt
  FROM @t
) x
  FOR SaleItems IN ([chair], [Laptop])
) piv

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