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Laravel BelongsToMany 以 id 数组作为属性而不是单个 id

[英]Laravel BelongsToMany with array of ids as an attribute isntead of individual id


"users" table:

 id: 1,
 school_ids: [1, 2, 3] // text type cast as array


"schools" table:

  id: 1,
  name: 'school 1",
  id: 2,
  name: 'school 2",
  id: 3,
  name: 'school 3",

I currently have a relationship in my User model as:我目前在我的用户 model 中有一个关系:

public function schools() {
  return $this->belongsToMany(School::class, 'school_ids');

which currently doent's work.目前没有工作。

  1. I was wondering if I can make it work where if it reads the school_ids it will cast it as an array and calling User::schools() will give me a collection of School Model?我想知道我是否可以让它在哪里工作,如果它读取school_ids它将把它转换为一个数组并调用User::schools()会给我一个School Model 的集合?
  2. If #1 can be done, I wonder if I can implement it on laravel nova (?)如果 #1 可以完成,我想知道我是否可以在 laravel nova 上实现它(?)

By relation i guess you can't but you can make something like this通过关系,我想你不能,但你可以做这样的事情

public function schools() {
  return Schools::whereIn('id',$this->school_ids)->get(); // Will return collection of Schools object 

So to make my life easier, I decided to create a pivot table instead that links the school and user.因此,为了让我的生活更轻松,我决定创建一个 pivot 表来连接学校和用户。

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