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[英]SQL : averaging values on one column for unique entries of another column

Suppose I have a table with columns:假设我有一个包含列的表:

a CHAR, b Int, c Int

Column a only has entries of x/y/z, and the values in b and c go from 1 to 10. a 列只有 x/y/z 条目,b 和 c go 中的值从 1 到 10。

Then I do:然后我做:

select a, c 
from mytable 
where b > 5

What would I have to do from here to get a table of 3 rows (one for each letter), and the average c value for each of x, y and z?从这里我需要做什么才能得到一个 3 行的表(每个字母一个),以及 x、y 和 z 中每一个的平均 c 值?

Are you looking for group by ?您在寻找group by吗?

select a, avg(c)
from t
where b > 5
group by a;

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