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如何在 flutter 中读取和写入公共 package 中的 FlutterSecureStorage

[英]how to read and write the FlutterSecureStorage in public package in flutter

Because many of my apps would use FlutterSecureStorage , so I define the FlutterSecureStorage in a public lib like this:因为我的许多应用程序都会使用FlutterSecureStorage ,所以我在公共库中定义了FlutterSecureStorage ,如下所示:

bool isLoggedIn = false;
String baseUrl = "";
String shareUrl = "";
String staticResourceUrl = "";
final pageStorageBucket = PageStorageBucket();
final storage = new FlutterSecureStorage();

enum ConfigType { DEV, PRO }

class GlobalConfig {}

I could expose the GlobalConfig in main.dart like this in public lib:我可以在公共库中像这样公开 main.dart 中的 GlobalConfig:

export 'src/config/global_config.dart';

but I just wanna to know how to use the storage after import the public lib in my app, I am using the public lib in my app like this:但我只想知道在我的应用程序中导入公共库后如何使用storage ,我在我的应用程序中使用公共库,如下所示:

      url: https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/wheel.git
      ref: main

how to read and write global FlutterSecureStorage when add dependencies of wheel lib?添加wheel lib的依赖项时如何读写全局FlutterSecureStorage is it possible?可能吗? or define the FlutterSecureStorage in each app is the best practice?还是在每个应用程序中定义FlutterSecureStorage是最佳实践? or what should I do use the FlutterSecureStorage global?或者我应该如何使用FlutterSecureStorage全局?

I define a secure storage util class:我定义了一个安全存储工具 class:

import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';

class SecureStorageUtil{

  static FlutterSecureStorage _preferences = FlutterSecureStorage();

  static Future<String?> getString (String key, {String defValue = ''}) {
    return _preferences.read(key:key) ;

  static Future<void> putString(String key, String value) {
    return _preferences.write(key:key, value:value);


use it like this:像这样使用它:

SecureStorageUtil.putString("token", "1");

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