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[英]How do I verify a call is made on a specific list in my method?

If I have the following code:如果我有以下代码:

public void process(List<String> messages){
    Map<String, List<String>> mapofLists = new HashMap<>();
    List<String> list1 = new ArrayList();
    List<String> list2 = new ArrayList();
    List<String> list3 = new ArrayList();    

    for (String message : messages) {
        else if(message.contains("456")) {
        else {




I know how to verify the api call at the end.我知道如何在最后验证 api 调用。 But I am confused on how I can write a test to make sure each list (list1,list2,list3) has the right amount of messages added, based on the messages list passed in. How would I do this?但是我对如何编写测试以确保每个列表(list1、list2、list3)根据传入的消息列表添加了正确数量的消息感到困惑。我该怎么做?

Mockito to my knowledge does not allow you to expose and mock the internals of a method like this.据我所知,Mockito 不允许您公开和模拟这样的方法的内部结构。 If you were passing the mapOfLists or the individual lists into the process method you would be able to do this fairly easily using the same or similar methods you used to verify the call to the service method;如果您将mapOfLists或单个列表传递给process方法,您将能够使用与验证对服务方法的调用相同或相似的方法相当容易地做到这一点; however, for this method that does not make much sense as the user would need to create each value before hand, and if you decide to change how many lists you need that would be troublesome down the road.但是,对于这种方法没有多大意义,因为用户需要事先创建每个值,并且如果您决定更改所需的列表数量,那将很麻烦。

Probably the best way is to move the api call out of the process method, and return the mapOfLists to be sent using the service later.可能最好的方法是将 api 调用移出process方法,并返回mapOfLists稍后使用服务发送。 You can use your various asserts on the map to ensure the right data is being sent out.您可以在 map 上使用各种断言来确保发送正确的数据。

This will also allow you to decouple the two actions so that processing and sending are truly 2 separate actions rather than 1 making your code more maintainable and readable.这也将允许您将这两个操作解耦,以便处理和发送真正成为 2 个独立的操作,而不是 1 个,从而使您的代码更易于维护和阅读。

public class Processor {
    public static Map<String, List<String>> processor(List<String> message) {
        Map<String, List<String>> mapOfLists = new HashMap<>();

        List<String> list1 = new ArrayList();
        List<String> list2 = new ArrayList();
        List<String> list3 = new ArrayList();    

        for (String message : messages) {
            if(message.contains("123")) {
            } else if(message.contains("456")) {
            } else {


        return mapOfLists;

and in your test file并在您的测试文件中

public class TestProcessing {
    public void testEmpty() {
        List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();

        Map<String, List<String>> expected = new HashMap<>();
        expected.put("123", new ArrayList<>();
        expected.put("345", new ArrayList<>();
        expected.put("678", new ArrayList<>();

        assertEquals(Processor.process(messages), expected);

You could use ArgumentCaptor to intercept the argument of the API call, and then verify appropriate amounts of messages in the lists and/or the entire contents of the map, its key set and values as necessary.您可以使用ArgumentCaptor拦截 API 调用的参数,然后根据需要验证列表中适当数量的消息和/或 map 的全部内容、其键集和值。

Example test may look as shown below (not tested):示例测试可能如下所示(未测试):

ApiService service; // mock makeApiCall

ProcessService processService; // implements process(List<String messages>)

void processOk() {
    ArgumentCaptor<Map<String, List<String>>> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Map.class);


    processService.process(List.of("123", "456_1", "456_2", "Test"));
    verify(service, times(1)).makeApiCall(captor.capture());

    Map<String, List<String>> map = captor.getValue();
    assertEquals(3, map.size());
    assertEquals(1, map.get("123"));
    assertEquals(2, map.get("345"));
    assertEquals(1, map.get("678"));

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