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为什么构建触发器抱怨 Webhooks 丢失

[英]Why is the Build trigger complaining about Webhooks missing

It is time we enabled the Continuous Integration of the build pipeline, so when I went to do just that, i am seeing something strange...现在是我们启用构建管道的持续集成的时候了,所以当我这样做时,我看到了一些奇怪的东西......

The trigger appears to be enabled?触发器似乎已启用? yet theres a message suggesting webhooks are missing to the repo and need to be restored.然而,有一条消息表明 repo 中缺少 webhook,需要恢复。 When i click restore, it fails!当我点击恢复时,它失败了!

The remote repository's webhooks are missing or incorrect.远程存储库的 webhook 丢失或不正确。


An error occurred while restoring the trigger’s webhook: Could not recreate the subscription. An error was encountered while creating the existing subscription: Unable to configure a service on the selected Bitbucket repository. Bitbucket returned the error 'Your credentials lack one or more required privilege scopes.'.

I asked the admin of the repo to try restoring it because i thought maybe this is a permissions issue, and even he got the error...我要求回购的管理员尝试恢复它,因为我认为这可能是一个权限问题,甚至他也得到了错误......

This is what the repository settings page shows for both myself and the repo developer/admin...这是存储库设置页面为我自己和存储库开发人员/管理员显示的内容......


Do we have to add a webhook manually on bitbucket?我们是否必须在 bitbucket 上手动添加 webhook?

After debugging the issue further with the developer, it appears the app password we created in bitbucket may not have had the "Webhooks" option enabled.在与开发人员进一步调试问题后,我们在 bitbucket 中创建的应用密码似乎没有启用“Webhooks”选项。

Unfortunately, we cannot edit app passwords in Bitbucket, which is a bad constraint but whatever.不幸的是,我们无法在 Bitbucket 中编辑应用程序密码,这是一个不好的约束,但无论如何。 We ended up just creating a new app password , and enabled Webhooks permissions this time, then i updated the service connection with this new app password, and wala, it worked!我们最终只是创建了一个新的应用程序密码,这次启用了 Webhooks 权限,然后我用这个新的应用程序密码更新了服务连接,哇,它成功了!


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