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带有 ID 的 ant-design 面包屑

[英]ant-design breadcrumbs with ID

Let's say I have this routing in my react App ( Router is a BrowserRouter here)假设我的反应应用程序中有这个路由( Router is a BrowserRouter here)

  <PageHeader />
      <PrivateRoute exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
      <PrivateRoute exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />

I want to display breadcrumbs in my pageheader.我想在我的页眉中显示面包屑。 Ant Design docs explain how to do this with fixed paths here - by fixed I mean ones like / or /profile . Ant 设计文档在这里解释了如何使用固定路径执行操作 - 固定路径是指像//profile这样的路径。

What I want to do is for example display a breadcrumb like Home / FooBar if user goes to /projects/FooBar .例如,如果用户转到/projects/FooBar ,我想要做的是显示像Home / FooBar这样的面包屑。

Is there a way to do it?有没有办法做到这一点? When I use withRouter on my PageHeader , the location has a pathname of /project/FooBar , but for example match has path: "/" , url: "/" and no params (which I expected to contain ID).当我在我的PageHeader上使用withRouter时,该位置的路径名是/project/FooBar ,但例如match具有path: "/"url: "/"并且没有参数(我希望包含 ID)。

So the question is: is there a way to display breadcrumbs like Home /:projectName ?所以问题是:有没有办法显示像Home /:projectName这样的面包屑? I can build them with a 3rd party App, but I would want them to go into either ant design's PageHeader (as props) or to ant design's BreadCrumb component (as children)我可以使用第 3 方应用程序构建它们,但我希望它们将 go 放入 ant 设计的PageHeader (作为道具)或 ant 设计BreadCrumb

Have you tried using react-router hook useParams ?您是否尝试过使用 react-router 挂钩useParams

If your Route is defined as <Route path="/project/:projectName" /> you should be able to do something like this:如果您的 Route 定义为<Route path="/project/:projectName" />您应该能够执行以下操作:

const { projectName } = useParams();

  <Breadcrumb.Item>{`Home / ${projectName}`}</Breadcrumb.Item>

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