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vue - v-日历 24 小时格式

[英]vue - v-calendar 24h format

I am struggling to set my v-calendar datetime picker to 24h format.我正在努力将我的 v-calendar 日期时间选择器设置为 24 小时格式。

I am reading the documentation but still could not make it work: https://vcalendar.io/我正在阅读文档,但仍然无法使其工作: https://vcalendar.io/

<v-date-picker is-expanded id="match-date-time" v-model="date" mode="dateTime" :timezone="timezone" />

I tried different settings but did not find the correct props / parameters for it.我尝试了不同的设置,但没有找到正确的道具/参数。

Can someone help in this?有人可以帮忙吗?

Got it, the secret is:明白了,秘诀是:


where format24h is a boolean set to true in data definition其中 format24h 是 boolean 在数据定义中设置为 true

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