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[英]How to break the text of long text area field in vf page

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I have fetched the data of long text area field on my vf page how can i break the text in vf page我已经在我的 vf 页面上获取了长文本区域字段的数据我怎样才能打破 vf 页面中的文本

It's not really a Visualforce-specific question, consider changing the tags to CSS and you'll attract experts.这实际上不是 Visualforce 特定的问题,考虑将标签更改为 CSS,您将吸引专家。 Lots of options you can experiment with, have you seen these?你可以尝试很多选项,你见过这些吗?

if the text contains <br> or newlines you could even wrap it in <pre> tags...如果文本包含<br>或换行符,您甚至可以将其包装在<pre>标记中...

What's your VF page structure?您的 VF 页面结构是什么? Do you use <apex:outputField> for that or <apex:pageBlockSectionItem> ?你使用<apex:outputField>还是<apex:pageBlockSectionItem> these should enforce some wrapping too.这些也应该强制执行一些包装。 If you have raw {!myField} in the page then well, wrapping (and protecting from XSS injection.) is on you...如果您在页面中有原始{!myField} ,那么包装(并防止 XSS 注入。)就在您身上...

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