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无法更改日期格式 SQL

[英]Can't change date format SQL

I have the current date format [DD_MM_YYY] in a column on my table and would like to change it to [YYYY_MM_DD].我在表的列中有当前日期格式 [DD_MM_YYY],并希望将其更改为 [YYYY_MM_DD]。 Can't seem to figure out the correct syntax.似乎无法弄清楚正确的语法。

This one should do for date fields:这应该用于日期字段:


You can use the convert function in sql.您可以在 sql 中使用转换 function。

SELECT CONVERT (data_type(length)),Date, DateFormatCode)

To convert in this format [YYYY_MM_DD] if the date format is in varchar :如果日期格式为varchar ,则以这种格式转换 [YYYY_MM_DD] :

Select CONVERT(varchar,column_name,23)

If you are using Exasol, you can use to_date() :如果您使用的是 Exasol,则可以使用to_date()

select to_date(datecoll, 'DD_MM_YYYY')

I would recommend leaving this as a date.我建议将此作为日期。 But if you want to convert this back to a string:但是,如果您想将其转换回字符串:

select to_char(to_date(datecoll, 'DD_MM_YYYY'), 'YYYY-MM-DD')

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