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如何为 FMX 控件添加缺失的边框?

[英]How to add missing borders to FMX controls?

I'm currently designing an FMX app with C++Builder.我目前正在使用 C++Builder 设计 FMX 应用程序。 For some reason, when the app is built and launched (it looks normal in the editor), the upper and left border of TComboEdit s are missing.出于某种原因,当应用程序构建和启动时(在编辑器中看起来很正常), TComboEdit的上边框和左边框丢失了。 Same for the right border of grids.网格的右边界也是如此。 This is quite unpleasant to the eye, how to change that?这对眼睛来说很不舒服,如何改变它?

Here is the design-time settings for one of the TComboEdit s:以下是TComboEdit之一的设计时设置:

object SearchLotComboEdit: TComboEdit
  Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
  TabOrder = 2
  ItemHeight = 19.000000000000000000
  ItemIndex = -1
  Position.X = 72.000000000000000000
  Position.Y = 40.000000000000000000
  Size.Width = 361.000000000000000000
  Size.Height = 26.000000000000000000
  Size.PlatformDefault = False
  OnChange = SearchLotComboEditChange
  OnTyping = SearchLotComboEditTyping
  OnKeyDown = SearchLotComboEditKeyDown

I added pictures of what it looks like:我添加了它的外观图片:



I have the same problem om my computer.我的电脑也有同样的问题。 The problem is due to the fact that FMX does not paint some controls (eg Listbox misses right border) correctly when your Windows scaling isn't configured at 100%.问题是由于当您的 Windows 缩放比例未配置为 100% 时,FMX 无法正确绘制某些控件(例如列表框缺少右边框)。 It probably depends on your screen resolution as well.这可能也取决于您的屏幕分辨率。 Try 100%, 125% or 150% scaling and observe if there are any differences.尝试 100%、125% 或 150% 缩放并观察是否有任何差异。

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