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NestJs 事件桥 Lambda function

[英]NestJs Eventbridge Lambda function

I have a system writed in using NestJs and serverless framework were each endpoint is a lambda function on aws.我有一个使用 NestJs 和无服务器框架编写的系统,每个端点都是 aws 上的 lambda function。 One of the functions is not an endpoint, but a trigger from AWS eventbridge.其中一个功能不是端点,而是来自 AWS eventbridge 的触发器。 As this function is not an endpoint it cannot be included on a NestJs module since it have to be exported separatelly.由于此 function 不是端点,因此不能包含在 NestJs 模块中,因为它必须单独导出。 My problem is that when the event comes to Eventbridge and triggers the lambda I have to call a NestJs service but I'm not able to do this, since the lambda function is outside NestJs environment.我的问题是,当事件到达 Eventbridge 并触发 lambda 时,我必须调用 NestJs 服务,但我无法执行此操作,因为 lambda function 在 NestJs 环境之外。 Is that a way for me to call a NestJs service from outside the module?这是我从模块外部调用 NestJs 服务的一种方式吗?

Here is the serverless framework configs这是无服务器框架配置

  function 1(NestJs controller):
    handler: src/lambda.handler
      - http:
          cors: true
          method: post
          path: entrypoint for function 1
  Function 2 (External from NestJs modules):
    handler: path to lambda function
      - eventBridge:
          eventBus: eventbus name
              - source

Currently I'm using axios to call another NestJs endpoint to just pass the received payload.目前我正在使用 axios 调用另一个 NestJs 端点来传递接收到的有效负载。 As you can see on the lambda function file:正如您在 lambda function 文件中所见:

import { Context, Handler } from 'aws-lambda'
import axios from 'axios'
export const handler: Handler = async (event: any, context: Context) => {
  return await axios
      'lambda function production url',
    .then((data) => {
      console.log('data', data)
      return data
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('error', error)
      return error

Here is the controller of lambda function 1这是lambda的controller function 1

import { Body, Controller, Post } from '@nestjs/common'
import { MyService } from './enrichment.service'

export class EnrichmentController {
  constructor(private readonly myService: MyService) {}
  sendForm(@Body() body) {
    return this.myService.start(body)

and here is the service这是服务

import { forwardRef, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import { EventbridgeService } from '../eventbridge/eventbridge.service'
import { CampaignsService } from '../campaigns/campaigns.service'
import { UploadedDataService } from '../uploaded-data/uploaded-data.service'

export class MyService {
    private readonly anotherService: AnotherService,
  ) {}
  async start(body) {
    return this.anotherService.updateData(body)

The question is: Is that a way to call all this NestJs structure from the function file, since it is outside NestJs modules and since the trigger for this function is not an http request but a trigger from Eventbridge?问题是:这是从 function 文件调用所有 NestJs 结构的方法吗,因为它在 NestJs 模块之外,因为这个 function 的触发器不是 http 请求而是来自 Eventbridge 的触发器? Thank you so much.太感谢了。

You can use a "Standalone" Nest application and pass the event data directly to MyService您可以使用“独立”Nest 应用程序并将事件数据直接传递给MyService

You can use NEstJs standalone app, and make your handler like this export const checkDeletion: Handler = async (event: any, context: Context) => {您可以使用 NEstJs 独立应用程序,并使您的处理程序像这样 export const checkDeletion: Handler = async (event: any, context: Context) => {

  async function bootstrap() {
    const app = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(AppModule);

    await app
      .get(SchedulerService, { strict: true })
  await bootstrap();

After that call your handler from serverless.yaml like之后从 serverless.yaml 调用你的处理程序

      STAGE: ${opt:stage}
    name: followup-emails-${opt:stage}
    handler: src/lambda.checkDeletion
      - schedule: rate(1 day)

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