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我如何使用 webContents.executeJavaScript 执行在 preload.js 中定义的函数

[英]how I use webContents.executeJavaScript execute a function that which be defined in preload.js

/* I want to call a function which defined in the preload.js file, but it getting an error. /* 我想调用一个在 preload.js 文件中定义的函数,但它得到一个错误。 Instead, I just execute an alert (" aaaaaa "), which does the job correctly */ main process:相反,我只是执行一个警报(“aaaaaa”),它正确地完成了工作 */ 主进程:

 const winViewBrowser = new BrowserView({ backgroundColor: '#ffffff', webPreferences: { contextIsolation:true, preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'), } }); win.setBrowserView(winViewBrowser); winViewBrowser.webContents.loadURL(url_local); winViewBrowser.webContents.on('dom-ready', () => { winViewBrowser.webContents.executeJavaScript(aa();, true).then((result) => { console.log(result); }) });

/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ renderer preload.js /------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------/ 渲染器预加载.js

 aa = () => { alert(123123123); }

/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------/

but it does not work!但它不起作用! enter image description here

can use contextBridge to export api to mainprocess可以使用contextBridge将api导出到mainprocess

https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/context-bridge https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/context-bridge

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