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带有 Laravel 8 的 SurveyJs,没有 Larvel-surveyjs 包

[英]SurveyJs with Laravel 8 without Larvel-surveyjs package

I want to create a survey app for my client for this I select surveyjs library to build the app.我想为我的客户创建一个调查应用程序,为此我选择了surveyjs 库来构建应用程序。 I have created all tables like Survey, Questions, Answers, and Options now I want to pass dynamics questions and answers from database like我已经创建了所有表格,如调查、问题、答案和选项,现在我想从数据库传递动态问题和答案,如

 public function my_survey($slug)
    $surveys = Survey::where('slug',$slug)->first();
    $questions = Question::where('survey_id',$surveys->id)->with('answers')->get();
    return view('user.my-survey', compact('surveys','questions'));

this will return the array of questions and options saved in database.这将返回保存在数据库中的问题和选项数组。 and

this is Surveyjs script这是Surveyjs 脚本


var json = {
    pages: [
        questions: [
                type: "matrix",
                name: "Quality",
                title: "Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements",
                columns: [
                        value: 1,
                        text: "Strongly Disagree"
                    }, {
                        value: 2,
                        text: "Disagree"
                    }, {
                        value: 3,
                        text: "Neutral"
                    }, {
                        value: 4,
                        text: "Agree"
                    }, {
                        value: 5,
                        text: "Strongly Agree"
                rows: [
                        value: "affordable",
                        text: "Product is affordable"
                    }, {
                        value: "does what it claims",
                        text: "Product does what it claims"
                    }, {
                        value: "better then others",
                        text: "Product is better than other products on the market"
                    }, {
                        value: "easy to use",
                        text: "Product is easy to use"
            }, {
                type: "rating",
                name: "satisfaction",
                title: "How satisfied are you with the Product?",
                isRequired: true,
                mininumRateDescription: "Not Satisfied",
                maximumRateDescription: "Completely satisfied"
            }, {
                type: "rating",
                name: "recommend friends",
                visibleIf: "{satisfaction} > 3",
                title: "How likely are you to recommend the Product to a friend or co-worker?",
                mininumRateDescription: "Will not recommend",
                maximumRateDescription: "I will recommend"
            }, {
                type: "comment",
                name: "suggestions",
                title: "What would make you more satisfied with the Product?"
    }, {
        questions: [
                type: "radiogroup",
                name: "price to competitors",
                title: "Compared to our competitors, do you feel the Product is",
                choices: ["Less expensive", "Priced about the same", "More expensive", "Not sure"]
            }, {
                type: "radiogroup",
                name: "price",
                title: "Do you feel our current price is merited by our product?",
                choices: ["correct|Yes, the price is about right", "low|No, the price is too low for your product", "high|No, the price is too high for your product"]
            }, {
                type: "multipletext",
                name: "pricelimit",
                title: "What is the... ",
                items: [
                        name: "mostamount",
                        title: "Most amount you would every pay for a product like ours"
                    }, {
                        name: "leastamount",
                        title: "The least amount you would feel comfortable paying"
    }, {
        questions: [
                type: "text",
                name: "email",
                title: "Thank you for taking our survey. Your survey is almost complete, please enter your email address in the box below if you wish to participate in our drawing, then press the 'Submit' button."

window.survey = new Survey.Model(json);

    .add(function (sender) {
            .textContent = "Result JSON:\n" + JSON.stringify(sender.data, null, 3);

$("#surveyElement").Survey({model: survey});

I want to pass dynamic questions and options from laravel controller to the above script.我想将来自 laravel 控制器的动态问题和选项传递给上述脚本。 please help me how to acheive this请帮助我如何实现这一目标

  1. In your my-survey view put questions in JSON format:在您的my-survey 视图中,以 JSON 格式输入问题:

     @isset($questions) <script type="text/javascript"> window.questions= {!! $questions !!}; </script> @endisset
  2. In Surveyjs script put:Surveyjs 脚本中输入

     const json = window.questions; window.survey = new Survey.Model(json);

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