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[英]Is it better to have a file for every article or reuse a single file for each article?

I'm developing a website in Next.js and a section of this website is dedicated to articles.我正在用 Next.js 开发一个网站,这个网站的一部分专门用于文章。 Each article has its page like for users profile.每篇文章都有自己的页面,如用户个人资料。 But, for users profile I have a [username].js file where I fetch specific data from the database for each user and display it in a common style.但是,对于用户配置文件,我有一个[username].js文件,我从数据库中为每个用户获取特定数据并以通用样式显示它。

For the articles I wanted to do the same thing, but the content of an article can have bold text, links, and other HTML tags and when I fetch data from the database and paste it in the file in this way <div>{article.content}</div> , the {article.content} in the browser becomes for exemple I am playng <b>soccer</b> in this club: <a href="https://blablabla.com">Juventus</a> , but the result that I want is "I am playing soccer in Juventus".对于文章,我想做同样的事情,但是文章的内容可以有粗体文本、链接和其他 HTML 标签,当我从数据库中获取数据并以这种方式将其粘贴到文件中时<div>{article.content}</div> ,浏览器中的{article.content}变成例如I am playng <b>soccer</b> in this club: <a href="https://blablabla.com">Juventus</a> ,但我想要的结果是“我在尤文图斯踢足球”。 How can I interpret HTML?我如何解释 HTML?

If I can't do it are there problems to have a folder that contains a file for each article (they could be 100+) ?如果我做不到,有一个文件夹包含每篇文章的文件(它们可能是 100 多篇)会不会有问题?

To be more clear this is [article].js更清楚的是,这是[article].js

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import axios from "axios";
import baseUrl from "../../utils/baseUrl";
import { NoArticleFound } from "../../components/Tools/NoData";
import {
  Image as UI_Image,
} from "semantic-ui-react";
const Copenhagen = "../../public/Copenhagen.jpg";
import Image from "next/image";

function Article({ article, errorLoading }) {

  if (errorLoading) return <NoArticleFound />;

  const router = useRouter();

  return (
        <Header as="h3">
          <UI_Image src={article.authorPicUrl} avatar />
              {article.publicationDate} · {article.readingTime} min read
        <Divider />
        <Divider hidden />
Article.getInitialProps = async (ctx) => {
  try {
    const { article } = ctx.query;
    const title = article;
    const res = await axios.get(`${baseUrl}/api/articles/${title}`);
    return { article: res.data };
  } catch (error) {
    return { errorLoading: true };

export default Article;

Change your article.content to as shown below.将您的article.content更改为如下所示。 This is how you can render HTML content.这就是您可以呈现 HTML 内容的方式。

      __html: article.content,

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