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没有函数匹配给定的名称和参数类型。 您可能需要添加显式类型转换 - Postgresql(IF 函数)

[英]No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts - Postgresql (IF function)

I tried to run the below query:我尝试运行以下查询:

SELECT account_no, month_id, IF (product_category = 'Services', 'ServicesMarketing', product_category) AS product_category, revenue  
FROM public.revenue_raw_data

Error I got:我得到的错误:

 ERROR: function if(boolean, unknown, character) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT account_no, month_id, IF (product_category = 'Service... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. SQL state: 42883 Character: 30

My Data:我的数据:


There is no IF() function in SQL (or in Postgres). SQL(或 Postgres)中没有IF()函数。

In Postgres (and standard SQL) you would use a CASE expression在 Postgres(和标准 SQL)中,您将使用 CASE 表达式

SELECT account_no, month_id, 
         when product_category = 'Services'
              then 'ServicesMarketing'
         else product_category
       end AS product_category, 
FROM public.revenue_raw_data

(Note that I am just guessing what you think that if() should do) (请注意,我只是在猜测您认为if()应该做什么)


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