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SwiftUI 3中的.onAppear()和.task()有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between .onAppear() and .task() in SwiftUI 3?

It seems we can now perform same task within.onAppear() or.task in iOS15.看来我们现在可以在 iOS15 中执行相同的任务 within.onAppear() 或 .task。 However could not find the advantage of.task() over.onAppear().但是找不到.task() 相对于.onAppear() 的优势。 Anyone out there can explain?有谁能解释一下吗?

Both task() and onAppear() are the same for running synchronous functions when a view appears. task()onAppear()对于在视图出现时运行同步函数是相同的。

The main point difference is in the task(id:priority:_:) task will be cancelled when this view disappears.主要区别在于task(id:priority:_:)当此视图消失时任务将被取消 It means when you're calling any webservice/ API or added any other task and back the screen then this task will automatically cancel.这意味着当您调用任何网络服务/ API 或添加任何其他任务并返回屏幕时,此任务将自动取消。

Task is executed asynchronously and allowing you to start asynchronous work as soon as the view is shown.任务异步执行,并允许您在显示视图后立即开始异步工作

Another use of task is, you can use task(id:_:) as mention in the doc task 的另一个用途是,您可以使用文档中提到的task(id:_:)

The running task will be cancelled either when the value changes causing a new task to start or when this view disappears.当值更改导致新任务启动或此视图消失时,将取消正在运行的任务。

The example below shows listening to notifications to show when a user signs in.下面的示例显示了监听通知以显示用户何时登录。

Text(status ?? "Signed Out")
    .task(id: server) {
        let sequence = NotificationCenter.default.notifications(
            of: .didChangeStatus, on: server)
        for try await notification in sequence {
            status = notification.userInfo["status"] as? String

You can read more from this article.您可以从这篇文章中阅读更多内容。

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