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[英]Comparing nested list with dictionary keys and create compound key-value pair

I have a nested list and a dictionary and I want to compare list items with dictionary keys and if they match then the corresponding dictionary values should be added and appended to same dictionary new compound key-value pair as shown below:我有一个嵌套列表和一个字典,我想将列表项与字典键进行比较,如果它们匹配,则应添加相应的字典值并将其附加到相同的字典新复合键值对中,如下所示:

colours = [['red', 'yellow'], ['green', 'black'], ['white', 'blue', 'orange'], ['pink', 'purple']]
dict1 = {'red': 10, 'black': 20, 'green': 30, 'neon':5, 'yellow': 40, 'orange':50, 'white':60, 

It should compare complete sublist item with dictionary keys and if present then dictionary values should be summed for those keys.它应该将完整的子列表项与字典键进行比较,如果存在,则应该对这些键的字典值求和。

Expected result:预期结果:

dict1 = {'red': 10, 'black': 20, 'green': 30, 'neon':5, 'yellow': 40, 'orange':50, 'white':60, 
        'blue':70, 'red + yellow':50, 'green + black':50, 'white + blue +orange':180}

The list is appended by some logic and the number of elements in sublists is not fixed.列表由一些逻辑附加,子列表中的元素数量不固定。

With the help from fellow community member @tomjn I could do partially solve this problem and code is given below:在社区成员@tomjn 的帮助下,我可以部分解决这个问题,代码如下:

for i, j in itertools.combinations(itertools.chain(*colours), 2):
    if i in dict1 and j in dict1:
        dict1[f"{i} + {j}"] = dict1[i] + dict1[j]

Can anyone please help me complete this code?谁能帮我完成这段代码?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

You don't need itertools for this, just an ordinary loop over colours .你不需要 itertools ,只是一个普通的colours循环。

for colorlist in colours:
    if (all(c in dict1 for c in colorlist)):
        dict1[" + ".join(colorlist)] = sum(dict1[c] for c in colorlist)


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