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Postgres Sql:更改表

[英]Postgres Sql : Alter table

I am fetching all the records from the Excel sheet and adding columns into the database according to the Excel header row.我正在从 Excel 工作表中获取所有记录,并根据 Excel 标题行将列添加到数据库中。 After fetching I alter the table and adding columns into the newly created table and it works perfectly fine.获取后,我更改了表并将列添加到新创建的表中,并且它工作得很好。 but when I add one more column into the excel file and running the query again it supposed to add the column which I have created in the excel file but instead, it gives me an error of Column already exists The query which I m running is但是当我在 excel 文件中再添加一列并再次运行查询时,它应该添加我在 excel 文件中创建的列,但相反,它给了我一个错误Column already exists我正在运行的查询是

"ALTER TABLE " + name + " ADD " + cellValue + " varchar(5000)" "ALTER TABLE" + 名称 + " ADD " + cellValue + " varchar(5000)"

Thanks in advance..提前致谢..


"ALTER TABLE " + name + " ADD if not exists " + cellValue + " varchar(5000)"

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